Thursday 2 July 2020

Returning to Church

Parish of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Returning to Church – Guidelines for parishioners and visitors

Dear Friends,
          Sunday 5th July is the day when many congregations, including our own will be returning to public worship. It will be a strange and probably quite emotional experience and also it will be a little different than what we are used to. At this point I want to emphasize that nobody should feel under any pressure to return. Some will still be concerned about going out in public and those whose health is potentially compromised may feel more comfortable worshiping at home until the current Pandemic is completely under control. For this reason online services will continue but will not be available until Sunday afternoon as they will consist of a recording of one of the Sunday morning services in the parish. They will be available on the parish website as previously

For those who do plan to come to public worship please read the following points of information and guidance:

1 Worship will be at usual times: 9am Newcastle, 10.15 Straffan & 11.30 Celbridge
2 Initially there will be no Holy Communion services – when they resume further guidance will be given
3 Do not bring your own books to church
4 Do not come to church if you have any of the symptoms associated with Covid19
5 On arrival go directly into church following guidance of wardens (avoid bottlenecks at entrance)
6 Sanitizer will be provided at entrance
7 Wardens will indicate where to sit to comply with social distancing and you should go direct to seat and not engage with others on way to seat
8 Alternate pews are roped off and should not be used
9 Please sit alone or with members of your own household
10 No singing (Organist may play or recorded music/hymns may be played)
11 No physical exchange of peace
12 Masks are recommended for adults (but not required if unable to wear one)
13 Service sheets will be provided – please take home with you
14 Leave nothing in the Church (papers, tissues etc)
15 Collection will be a retiring collection and if you prefer to give by other means the details are on the parish website
16 Names of those attending will be recorded and kept temporarily for contact tracing
17 No tea or coffee after church
18 At end of service rear pews exit first and please observe social distancing outside the building.

Hopefully these restrictions can be relaxed before too long but please do your best to follow them and keep church safe for everybody – Looking forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.
Thanking you.
Rev. Stephen

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