Tuesday 13 February 2018

Car Boot Sales 2018

The dates for the Straffan Car Boot are now confirmed and listed below. Further details will follow nearer the time.

2018 Calendar
28-Apr; 12-May 26-May; 09-Jun 23-Jun; 07-Jul 21-Jul; 11-Aug 25-Aug; 08-Sep 22-Sep; 06-Oct --- Christmas Market 08-Dec.

To book a stall please txt your name & request to mob 089 4614852.

Monday 12 February 2018

Ash Wednesday Services

Ash Wednesday Services in the parish: 
St. Finian's Newcastle-Lyons 10am; 
Christ Church Celbridge 11.30am; 
Straffan Church 8pm

Ecumenical Lenten Study Series

This Lent we will be studying 'Deepening Faith' by Tony Castle which focuses on St. Mark's Gospel. We will be joining together with Celbridge and Straffan Catholic Parish and the venue will be St. Eustace's Parish Centre 
(beside Catholic Parish Office).
There will be two groups meeting on Tuesdays (starting on 20th February) at 10.45 or 7.30pm and both sessions will be on the same material. 
Come along at whichever time suits you best - All are welcome

February Whist Drive - Friday 23rd at 8pm