Wednesday 8 May 2024

CSNL News May June 2024


Issue 83 CSNL NEWS         May/June, 2024.

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends .. In a couple of weeks we will celebrate the feast of Pentecost also known as the Birthday of the Church.  The day when Jesus followers received the gift of the Spirit was the day when they went out into the world to spread the good news and so it was the beginning of the church or its birthday.  Obviously the day we are born we are not able to do anything on our own - we rely on the nurture of our parents, especially our mothers in those earliest days and it is only when we grow up that we go out into the world to fulfil whatever is to become of our lives.  We too are sent by God - not necessarily to become preachers or evangelists but to lead lives that bring glory to God by acts of love towards those we meet in our lives. Pentecost is not just for the Holy Joes and Josephines - it is for each one of us.  We are all offered the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives and that same Spirit can transform the potential and possibility of our lives.  On this Pentecost Sunday two young people from our parish, Poppy Murphy & Marlena Quigley will be Confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral at 3.30 p.m.  As we pray for them let us also this Pentecost welcome the power and blessing of Gods Holy Spirit in all our lives.


Yours                                                                           Stephen

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m*   Straffan 10.15 a.m.    Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st        Holy Communion  Service of Word       Holy Communion

2nd        Service of Word    Holy Communion     Service of Word

3rd        Holy Communion  Morning Prayer        Holy Communion

4th        Morning Prayer      Holy Communion    Morning Prayer

5th        30th June.  United Service.  11 a.m.  Straffan

*Services will continue in Newcastle at 10 a.m., on the 1st Sunday as a permanent change in the Sunday timetable.


On Going Events

Craft & Chat:  The Group continues each Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m., in the Slip Hall and is open to all for crafting, chatting and refreshments.  All welcome!


Wednesday Night Prayers:  From 8p.m., to 9 p.m.  At the moment they are held in the home of Tony & Elizabeth Waldron in Newcastle.  If anybody would like details they can contact Rev. Stephen or Dee.  Everyone is very welcome to come along or to let us know if there is something they would like us to pray about. 


Whist Drives.  The final Whist Drive of the season took place on 22nd March and will resume in September.  Thanks as always to Esther Lougheed & Rebecca & James Taylor for organising the nights and to Val Denner for helping with the raffle


Saturday Night Services.  These will resume in June.  Date to be announced.  The service is generally quite informal and we would be delighted to see some new faces - also if you play a musical instrument feel free to bring it along.  The service is normally followed by refreshments and time for a chat after the service.


Sunday Services On Line

Dont forget that if you cant get to church on Sunday, the service from Straffan is live-streamed. and


Thanks Dee Huddleston for taking the service in Straffan on 1st Sundays in April and May while our Rector was in Newcastle-Lyons and also for taking all three services on Sunday, 21st April when our Rector was on holidays.  Unfortunately, both Stephen & Nicola got Covid while away and he was unable to take the services on 28th April.  Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster who took the services in all three churches and Dee Huddleston assisted in Straffan.  Thanks to all who maintain the church grounds now that the mowing season is in full swing and in preparation for the Car Boot Market.



At time of writing these notes the parish is reeling from the sad and unexpected news of the death of Liam Gately.  Liam, a former churchwarden in Christ Church, Celbridge, a member of the Select Vestry and a man who gave so much to our parish in sharing his skills, expertise and most of all his kindness will be hugely missed but our thoughts are especially with his family in their time of great loss. We pray for his wife Valerie, his children Ciara, Darragh, Sinead, Emmet & Caoimhe, his grandchildren Ava & Emily, son-in-law Damien, Darraghs partner Toma, mother Anne, sister Carol, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and extended family.  His funeral was to take place on Saturday 4th May in Christ Church, Celbridge.  May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


Roll Up!  Roll Up!  The CSN-L Parish Summer Fair Has Arrived!

On Saturday, 11th May from 10 a.m., - 2 p.m., in the Slip Hall, Celbridge.  There will be a variety of wonderful stalls, plants, crafts, toys, books, curiosities and the famous cake stall.  There will be games of skill and chance.  As well as tea and coffee when you need a break.  There is face painting for the kids and a colouring corner.  We will also be showcasing the artistic skills of the children at Primrose Hill National School.  Our new event this year is a dog show to be held in the garden behind the hall.  We have a series of classes such as fancy dress and best trick.  Judging starts at 11 a.m., so be sure to register nice and early. We look forward to welcoming everybody from the community to this very special event.  And dont forget to buy a raffle ticket it could be you! 


Parish Outing - Wednesday, 29th May To Russborough

Situated outside Blessington, here is an opportunity to have a tour of the house, admire the park and gardens and enjoy afternoon tea.  A great day out to get to know fellow parishioners.  Everyone welcome.  Further details from Esther Lougheed & Rebecca Taylor and will be

announced in church and on social media.


WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active.  There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.


Straffan Market & Carboot Sale 2024 Report By Jos Evertsen

The 14th Season of the Straffan Market & Carboot Sale event started on 4th May.  Dates for 2024:-

18th May          1st June            15th June          29th June

13th July           27th July           10th August      24th August

7th September   21st September  5th October


The gates open from 8.45 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.  If you are interested in booking a stall, WhatsApp your name and what you sell to Mobile 089-2797200.  Calls can not be answered.  Pre-BOOKING is required.  Fee is 15, paid at the gate.  Car + Small trailer is 20.  Please use the exact amount.  This year we are opening a dedicated CRAFT only section.  This will provide for home grown and home made produce, Hobby Crafts, Antiques, Books & Music (CDs, Vinyls).  No mix with Bric-a-Brac can be used.  When applying for a CRAFT Stall, please WhatsApp your full name + type of CRAFT.


With the arrival of and our links with the Ukrainian families in Straffan, we are hoping to get them involved in our event.  Hopefully this may help them to improve their conversational English and integrate into the local community.


We are always looking for new volunteers.  It requires only 2 hours of your time on a Saturday morning, a few times during the May to October season.  Over the years the parish has benefited an average of 7,000/year towards the upkeep and maintenance of the church building.  If you like to contribute to our home baking for our Tea Stall a few times, that would be very welcome as well.  For any further information contact any of our parish volunteers.  Thank you for your support.  Looking forward to hearing from you.



Huge congratulations to Karley Shaw & Brendan Brady who were married on the 18th April in Christ Church, Celbridge.  Maid of Honour was Samantha Shaw and bridesmaid Emma Curry.  The Bestman was Travis Davidson and groomsmen were Robert Brady & Michael Duffy.  The reception took place in the Station House Hotel in Kilmessan and was a lovely evening.  We wish Karley & Brendan every blessing in their marriage.


Ash Wednesday, Holy Week & Easter

On Ash Wednesday, services were held in Christ Church, Celbridge and Straffan.  The children from Primrose Hill National School took part in the service in Christ Church, Celbridge.  Holy Week services started on Spy Wednesday with the traditional service of Compline in St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons.  Then on Holy Thursday in Straffan we had the feast of the Institution of the Eucharist which finished with the sombre and dramatic stripping of the altar.  On Good Friday it was good in all three churches to join with our ecumenical sisters and brothers in marking the Way of the Cross in procession between the churches.  Deacon Rev. John Graham assisted in Straffan.  Holy Saturday saw the lighting of the Easter Fire and the new Paschal candle lit from its flames and carried into Straffan Church marking the dawning of the Resurrection.


Then on Easter morning we had our ecumenical Dawn service at Castletown gates which was very well supported despite the hour change robbing us of a vital extra hour of sleep.  However those brave souls who ventured out were treated to Hot Cross Buns and hot drinks in the Slip Hall.  Finally, later that morning all churches celebrated the Feast of the Resurrection with services of Holy Communion.  It was a busy week but a very meaningful one and thank you to everyone who

took part and helped make it happen - those who cleaned and decorated the churches, provided the music, set up for the various services and cleared up afterwards and provided refreshments.

Thanks as always to those who observed the days of Holy Week in our parish and those who assisted with the various services and ceremonies. 


Thanks to our Rector too. The Editor greatly appreciated that the services from Straffan were broadcast live and so could join in the services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Saturday.


Suicide Awareness Training At CITI

This will take place at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Baemor Park, Churchtown on Saturday, 25th May.  The session will offer an evidence based training course to equip attendees with the necessary skills and confidence to support individuals who may be considering suicide.  The course will run from 9.30 a.m., to 1 p.m.  The cost is 25.  Register at:


Newcastle-Lyons Easter General Vestry Meeting

The Easter General Vestry meeting for Newcastle-Lyons was held on 10th April in the Church.  Rev. Stephen opened the meeting in prayer and apologies were noted.  Our Rectors remarks began with paying tribute to a member of the Select Vestry who is no longer with us but whose spirit and legacy lives on in this church so dear to him for over 80 years.  Willie Doble was at the heart of the parish and his contribution on so many levels made such a difference to so many people through the years.  He is still missed by us all but of course especially by Sandra & Claire and their families who we hold in our prayers at this time.  The past year has been relatively unremarkable in terms of parochial life but one thing which Rev. Stephen does think is a positive development is the establishment of the monthly 10 a.m., service on the first Sunday of the month and the refreshments which follows.


St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons in 2024 is celebrating 300 years in its current form, this anniversary gives us an excuse to push the profile of the church both within the parish and in the wider community and hopefully to turn around the downward trend of church involvement and engagement within the parish.  This of course is not unique to us here. It is something visible throughout our church - but it is still down to us in the local church to change things in our corner of Gods Kingdom.


Thanks were given to the Glebewardens, Willie Harris, Mervyn Eager & Tony Waldeon, with a particular word of thanks given to Willie Harris who after 25 years is stepping back from this role.  Willies vision, energy and commitment to the church is always evident and Rev. Stephen thanked Willie for all his work and we hope we can rely on his advice and wisdom for many years to come.  Rev Stephen thanked everyone for their support throughout the year.  He paid a particular thanks to Geoffrey McMaster as a valuable colleague in ministry and a very important local presence in Newcastle. 


Sandra Doble presented the Treasurers Report highlighting areas of concern, this is the fourth year we have run at a deficit.  On a positive note the deficit has reduced by a small amount.  Looking forward, we hope the coming anniversary year, will be a better one for us, with planned fundraising activities to take place in 2024.  Thank were also given to our Hon. Secretary, Maggie Harris, Church Wardens - Elizabeth Waldron & Vivien Bond.  And a special thanks to our Hon. Treasurer, Sandra Doble, for overseeing our parish finances and for the considerable work involved in the preparation of the annual accounts.  Finally, to all vestry members and parishioners for the help and time everyone has contributed to the smooth running of the parish.


Annual Elections:

Rectors Churchwarden                                    Vivien Bond

Peoples Churchwarden                                    Elizabeth Waldron

Rectors Glebewarden                                      Mervyn Eager

Peoples Glebewarden                                      Tony Waldron

Select Vestry (in addition to the above)

Devon Beattie             Claire Burke               Sandra Doble

Maggie Harris            Willie Harris               Peter Hildebrand

Andrew Jordan           Avril Kerr      

Hon. Secretary                                                 Maggie Harris

Hon. Treasurer                                                 Sandra Doble


Concerts In Christ Church, Celbridge

The UK Drifters concert on 18th April was a wonderful event.  Every seat was taken as favourite after favourite was played.  The audience joined in with great gusto.  Regular concert goers used to bringing their own cushions to the concerts will be delighted to know that full length pew cushions for all the pews in the church have been ordered and should be in situ in the next few weeks.  This will also be of benefit to Sunday morning congregations and will make it much easier to sleep comfortably during the rectors sermon.  Further events:-

Friday, 17th May                       Washburn University Choir (Kansas)*

Friday, 24th May                       Frank McNamara - Mozart by Candlelight.

Saturday, 22nd June.                  John Spillane

Saturday, 7th September.                       Brian Kennedy

Saturday, 5th October.               Sean Keane

All tickets are now up on Eventbrite and also available from Breda - 087-9630719.  *Accompanied by St. Marys Parish Choir, Maynooth under Sarah Darlington.



Celbridge & Straffan Easter General Vestry

The EGV was held in Primrose Hill School, Celbridge on 11th April.  Rev. Stephen opened the meeting with a prayer, followed by a warm welcome to everyone.  In his report, he acknowledge the many challenges and opportunities we face as a parish.  Similar to last year, our greatest challenge remains to be getting people into church to attend our services.  One of the ways that may help in the longer term is opening our churches for wider use in the community and this has happened, especially (but not exclusively) in Celbridge with the development of a regular schedule of concerts.  So many local people have commented that they had never been in our churches before and perhaps this is something that we can build on. That said, even though we are small in number there is an energy and a vibrancy in our congregations and there is still so much we can do as church no matter how many people cross the door of the church on any given Sunday.


A prime example of this is the considerable outreach to the new Ukrainian community, mostly of women and children, based in Straffan and many of whom are regular attendees at our church in Straffan (so much so that we now produce service sheets/readings/sermon in Ukrainian).  A number of the parishioners, some on this Vestry have been volunteering in holding language and conversation classes with members of the Ukrainian community and their efforts have been well received.  This is practical Christianity and it is every bit as important as the prayers we say or the hymns we sing in church.


Rev. Stephen expressed his thanks to the Vestry members for their ongoing commitment and support, Caroline Cummins, our secretary, who stepped in at short notice and has served us so well - we are sorry that she has to step back at this point but thank her for all she has done and we do hope to see her back at some point in the not too distant future.  Also thanked were Gordon Bass, our Treasurer, for his diligent and efficient management of parish finances, Dee Huddleston, Cynthia Lang & Geoffrey McMaster, Diocesan Lay Ministers based in our parish, organists, Jenny Shaw, Dorothy Evertsen & James Pasley and the choirs in both churches.  Church & Glebe Wardens were also thanked - Paula Howard, Esther Lougheed, Dee Huddleston & Shirley Dunlop, Ken Denner & Thomas Hardy. Thanks also to Lilian Webb, Magazine Editor, Church cleaning and Flower arranging rotas, Jos Evertsen & the Car Boot Sale team, June Galligan & Lucy Jones for the Parish sales, Robert Moody in Straffan & June Galligan in Celbridge who regularly organise work parties to maintain and beautify the church grounds, Rebecca Taylor & all the Craft & Chat members, Esther Lougheed & Rebecca Taylor for the Whist Drives and to all our parishioners.  Our Rector concluded by announcing his appointments to the Select Vestry.


Church Warden            Celbridge                     Paula Howard

Church Warden            Straffan                         Dee Huddleston

Glebe Warden                                                  Ken Denner


The Treasurers Report, which was presented by Gordon Bass, is at the end of the report.  A general discussion followed with lots of ideas on how we can financially improve our parishs future.  Some of the suggestions/comments were:-


More social events to get people back into the church, eg., BBQ, Harvest Supper etc.  The Whist Drives support the Celbridge Community & the Straffan Carol Service was full with lots of irregular parishioners.  We need to let everyone know that the church wont be here it if is not supported.  Doing a snag list with the accounts to see what needs to be done with possible donations to smaller jobs/bite size pieces of bigger jobs.  What are we leaving for the future generation?  A specific drive donation with a business plan to project forward 5 years.  Set up a Social Committee now that the Fair is underway.  Lucy Jones volunteered along with June, Linda & Trish.  Rev. Stephen will put it on the parish WhatsApp group also.  Opening the church with the organ playing during the Fair to encourage people to come and look inside.  We need to invest in people/social activities for our future.  A welcome sign outside the church inviting people in.  A notice board with a list of the current/future activities on it.


The following were duly elected to the Select Vestry:

Peoples Churchwarden - Celbridge                   Esther Lougheed

Peoples Churchwarden - Straffan                     Shirley Dunlop

Peoples Glebewarden                                      Thomas Hardy


Ordinary members:

Gordon Bass               Linda Daly                  Dorothy Evertsen

Liam Gately                Lucy Jones                  Robert Moody

Trish Pasley


The meeting closed with the Grace. 


Treasurers  Report:  The 2023 Annual accounts for Celbridge & Straffan Parish which I presented recently to our Easter General Vestry, confirm a very satisfactory financial outcome for the year.  Here are some of the more salient points.  We had a 54,000 overall surplus of income over expenditure.  Our Diocesan Assessment (payment), and our insurance costs have increased by a combined 8,000 since 2017.  These are fixed costs subject to annual increases in line with inflation etc.  Utility costs increased by 11,000 since 2017 - a variable cost which hopefully we will see some reductions in this year.  Repairs and maintenance to all Parish buildings was (luckily), mainly confined to regular recurring maintenance/upkeep last year.  This kept our expenditure relatively low.  Rental income was exceptionally strong.  Fundraising including the Car Boot Sales, is always a very welcome and essential contributor to Parish funds.  While income from Fundraising has been increasing over the past couple of years it has not yet returned to pre-Covid levels.  Parishioners financial contributions (envelopes, standing orders and other regular contributions; Church plate collections etc.) have changed little since 2017.


The more vulnerable aspects of our current financial model are (a) the relatively low number of Parishioners who contribute financially to the running of the Parish (eg. Total personal contributions did not even fully cover our fixed outgoings last year), and consequently (b) our increasing reliance on rental income.  Rental income is always susceptible to market trends and the level of demand for older buildings such as ours, so we should not depend on this income to help finance the normal running of the Parish.  Parishioners personal contributions should at least be sufficient to cover the basic running costs of their Parish but unfortunately this objective has not been met for some years now.  The high cost of keeping our two historic Churches and the other Parish buildings in good repair is a constant drain on resources.  The reality is that we will definitely face substantial renovation/repair costs in the future, the only question is when!  We need to accumulate financial reserves towards this eventuality and not wait until we are suddenly faced with a crisis.


However, ending on a positive note, I do want on behalf of the Select Vestry, to thank everyone who contributed in any way to what, financially speaking, was definitely a very satisfactory 2023 for us.  Our finances are in good shape at the moment - but we all just do need to look to the future financial needs of the Parish and plan for them accordingly.  Thank you everyone.                             Gordon Bass.


At a meeting of the newly selected vestry, Gordon Bass was re-elected as Hon. Treasurer.


Church Of Ireland General Synod - Armagh - 10th & 11th May

Please remember in your prayers those attending and decisions to be made.


Calendar Of Events


Fri        10        General Synod.  Armagh.

Sat       11        General Synod.  Armagh.

                        Summer Fair.  Slip Hall.  10 a.m., - 2.00 p.m.

Fri        17        Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Sat        18        Car Boot Market.  Straffan.  8.45 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sun`     19        Pentecost.  Confirmation.  Christ Church Cathedral,

                        Dublin.  3.30 p.m.

Fri        24        Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Sat       25        Suicide Awareness Training.  CITI.  9.30 a.m.

Wed     29        Parish Outing.  Russborough.


Sat       1         Car Boot Market.  Straffan.  8.45 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Mon     10        Closing date for CSNL NEWS summer issue.

Sat       15        Car Boot Market.  Straffan.  8.45 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Fri        21        End of Year Service.  11.30 a.m. Christ Church,


Sat       22        Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Sat       29        Car Boot Market.  Straffan.  8.45 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


Whos Who In The Parish

Rector:  Rev. Stephen Neill     01-6288231                  087-2328172


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Anxiety weighs down a heart, but a kind word cheers it up.  Proverbs. 12:25.









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