Tuesday 16 January 2024

CSNL News - January/February 2024


Issue 81 CSNL NEWS         January/February, 2024.

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners


From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

Happy New Year - Why do we say that?  Is it a description of what we feel or is it an aspiration towards the goal of happiness which we dont always reach?  Perhaps a bit of both and that is probably a fairly accurate reflection of what it is to be human.  Up and down, happy and sad, on the mountaintop or in the valley, we all fluctuate between these poles.


Christmas which for the most part is a happy time is now over and we face into Lent which is a somewhat more sombre time and so the churchs year reflects the pattern of our lives.  To make it even more confusing this year Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is also St. Valentines Day and so even as we contemplate our mortality and frailty we are reminded of the most wonderful gift of Love.  But I think while obviously a coincidence in terms of the calendar, I think this strange juxtaposition points towards an important truth that can help us through the valleys of our lives and that is that Love is always present to us.  Why?  Because God is Love and God is the one constant in a life of ups and downs, or as the great Irish theologian CS Lewis put it: The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go Gods love for us does not.


Yours                                                                                                               Stephen


Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m*         Straffan 10.15 a.m.       Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st        Holy Communion         Service of Word           Holy Communion

2nd        Service of Word            Holy Communion         Service of Word

3rd        Holy Communion         Morning Prayer            Holy Communion

4th        Morning Prayer             Holy Communion         Morning Prayer

*Services will continue in Newcastle at 10 a.m., on the 1st Sunday as a permanent change in the Sunday timetable.


On Going Events

Craft & Chat:  The Group continues each Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m., in the Slip Hall and is open to all for crafting, chatting and refreshments.  The group will meet back again after the Christmas break on Tuesday, 16th January.    


Whist Drives.  Friday, 24th November was the Christmas Whist Drive and was a very enjoyable night with some seasonal prizes on offer.  Thanks as always to Esther Lougheed & Rebecca & James Taylor for organising the nights and to Val Denner for helping with the raffle.  The next Whist Drives will be held on Friday, 26th January and on Friday, 23rd February at 8 p.m., in the Slip Hall.  All welcome!


WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active.  There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.


Saturday Night Services - Christ Church Celbridge - 7 p.m.

The theme for the service on Saturday, 11th November was Healed by Love, Healed for Love.  The next service will be on Saturday, 10th February and all are welcome for this.  Refreshments afterwards.


Dublin & Glendalough Magazine - The Church Review

Subscriptions were due on 1st January - thanks to Elizabeth Waldron (Newcastle-Lyons), Debbie Kelly (Straffan) & Ken Denner (Celbridge) for distributing and to whom subscriptions should be paid. If you do not already receive the bumper packed magazine and would like to do so, please contact the above.


Remembrance Sunday - 12th November - Poppy Appeal

The Rite of Remembrance was observed in all churches. Thanks to all who supported the Poppy Appeal.



 Classes will be starting shortly.  Anyone wishing to be confirmed should contact our Rector.  Provisionally the Confirmation is in Christ Church Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday afternoon (19th May).


Register Of Vestry Persons - Note To  All Parishioners!

These will be reviewed at the next meetings of the Select Vestries of Celbridge./Straffan and of Newcastle-Lyons.  If you wish your name to go on this register there will be forms in the churches which can be filled out and given to the churchwardens.  Only those who are registered can vote at an Easter General Vestry meeting and thus determine the membership of the Select Vestry for the next year.


Christmas fair - 11th November

Well done to June Galligan & Lucy Jones and their team for organising a great event in the revived Christmas Fair.  Like many regular events on the calendar it had fallen victim to the Covid Effect and it was a big job of work to re-launch it.  It was lovely to see so many of the younger school families in attendance and their contributions to the artwork competition covered the walls of the hall.  There was a great atmosphere and while a financial success, it was also a very enjoyable social occasion.  Well done everyone!


Concerts In Celbridge & Straffan

Both Celbridge and Straffan hosted a number of concerts during the month of December and early January.  Among those who performed in Christ Church were the New York Tenors & Deirdre Masterson, the Celbridge Concert Orchestra, The Voices of Spring, Connor McKeown and the Maynooth Gospel Choir and most recently Rebecca Storm.  Each was very different but all most enjoyable.


Straffan Church was the venue for Misneach which was a stunning orchestral and vocal presentation with a strong traditional Irish element which left the audience spellbound.


More to come this year including The Irish Peace Choir, Red Hurley, The UK Drifters, John Spillane, Brian Kennedy (returning by popular demand) and also Sean Keane (again returning by popular demand).  Most concerts are available on Eventbrite or details from 087-9630719 (Breda Konstantine).


St. Brigid

The first Public Holiday to honour St. Brigid, whose day is celebrated on 1st February, will be on Monday, 5th February. 



Thanks to Dee Huddleston for taking the Service of the Word in Straffan on 3rd December and 7th January and to Dee Huddleston & Geoffrey McMaster for taking the United Service in Straffan Church on New Years Eve.  Also to all who decorated all three churches for the Christmas services and concerts and tidied up afterwards, all who provided the music and all who read at the carol services.


Team Hope Shoeboxes

Thanks also to those who brought shoeboxes/items for shoeboxes, who brought them to the centre and helped pack.  176,465 children received shoeboxes in 12 countries in Africa and Eastern Europe.  Amelia (3), Albania, received her shoebox 1 day after she got home from hospital with a bad flu.  Isaac (10) Rwanda, loved the photo of the family in Ireland, who donated their box on line.  Daniel (5), Burundi, always wanted a watch and couldnt stop showing it to people and telling them the time and felt very cool.  Kuzma (4), Ukraine, was very happy in his treasure trove to find a toy football.  He loves football.


Sunday Services On Line

Dont forget that if you cant get to church on Sunday, the service from Straffan is live-streamed.  The Editor has enjoyed this facility, when she was unable to get to church and joined in with the congregation.

https://www.churchmedia.tv/straffon-church-of-ireland and www.facebook.com/CSNLParish.


Archbishop of Dublin Issues A Statement & Appeals For Support

This was issued following reports of a fire in Dublin at a premises rumoured to have been identified for accommodation of people seeking asylum.  Nothing wholesome is achieved by such activity.  It contributes nothing to our self-understanding as a society of kindness and respect. Everyone loses out, most of all the vulnerable and those who are struggling.  We have just celebrated Christmas when we mark as a national community the coming of the Child of Bethlehem in a state of homelessness and in an arena of oppression.  We are into a new year which always holds unexpected opportunities for good.  My appeal is that we rally round those without food and shelter, whatever their place of origin, in these dark days of winter.



Deepest sympathy to the family of Thomas Nelson of Courtown Road, Kilcock and late of Collinstown, Leixlip and Moyglare, Maynooth.  Thomas died on 31st October peacefully in the loving care of the staff of Moyglare Nursing Home, Maynooth, in his 96th year.  His funeral took place in St. Marys Church, Leixlip and burial was in Moyglare Cemetery, Maynooth.  Our prayers go out to his daughters in Celbridge parish, Esther & Una and the rest of the family circle at this sad time.  May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


We pray for Ken & Valerie Denner and the entire family in the recent loss of Kens brother Philip from Raheny after a long illness.  Philip died peacefully in Beaumont Hospital surrounded by his loving family.  Philip was predeceased by his much loved wife Christine.  His funeral took place at Trinity Church, Gardiner Street and was a great celebration of his life, featuring a presentation on his lifelong commitment to the Boys Brigade, uniformed members of which led his coffin from the church.  He was buried at Shanganagh Cemetery.  May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


World Day of Prayer - Friday, 1st March

The Christian women of Palestine are calling us to connect with the land from where Jesus came, was born, ministered and died and from where our faith began and is rooted.  Despite living in an area of the world where there is ongoing conflict and the future is uncertain, the women of Palestine are sharing with love a reminder that they are there, and they want to give hope to everyone.  The theme of the service is I beg you, bear with one another in love.  The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 146 countries beginning in Samoa before finishing 38 hours later in many native languages.  It is open to men and women and will be held in St. Patricks Church, Celbridge.


Primrose Hill National School Christmas Market & Carol Service

December was a busy month for the school with the very successful Christmas Market in the school. Thanks to all who attended, contributed and organised the Market on Saturday, 9th December.  The end of year carol service was held in Christ Church, Celbridge on 22nd December.  As always the dramatised readings were excellent and the children even taught us a new carol for our repertoire! 


The Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity

This takes place from January, 18th to 25th and the theme is You shall love the Lord your God .. and your neighbour as yourself.  Luke 10:27.  It was prepared by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso.  Christian Aid has provided Go and Do action points for each of the daily reflections linking into the important work of Christian Aid in the relief of poverty and advocacy of justice.



On Wednesday, 27th December, Lola Diaz Burke, daughter of Lauren Burke & Ivan Diaz was baptised in St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons.  The Godparents were Aimee Tobin, Daniel Burke & Domingo Diaz Perez.  We wish Lola every blessing in her journey in faith and life.


Christmas Carol Services & Christmas Day

It was very heartening to see a considerable rise in church attendance throughout the Christmas season.  The carol services in Newcastle-Lyons, (Sunday 17th December) Straffan and Celbridge (Christmas Eve) were all very well supported and a special thanks to organists Jenny Shaw (Straffan) and James Pasley (Celbridge & Newcastle-Lyons) and the choirs and lesson readers who participated in the services.  The collections at these services went to the Shine a Light Diocesan appeal which is administered by the Diocese of Jerusalem and its focus especially on the ongoing tragedy in Gaza.


Likewise the Christmas Eve & Christmas Day services were very well attended and it was lovely to see family members from afar coming back to visit.  A special thanks to our parish lay Ministers, Dee Huddleston & Geoffrey McMaster for their considerable contributions to our parish worship at this most special time and indeed ro our church wardens and those who decorated our churches during the Christmas season.


Ash Wednesday - 14th February

There will be services at 11 a.m., in Christ Church, Celbridge and in Straffan at 7 p.m.  The children from Primrose Hill National School will be taking part in the service in Christ Church, Celbridge.

Calendar Of Events


Thu      18        Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins.

Tue      23        Craft & Chat resumes.  Slip Hall, Celbridge.

                         2.30 p.m.    

Thu      25        Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ends.

Fri        26        Whist Drive.  Slip Hall.  8 p.m.



Thu      1         St. Brigids Day.

Mon     5         Public Holiday.  St. Brigids Day.

Sat       10        Saturday Night Service.  Christ Church, Celbridge.

                        7 p.m.

Wed     14        Ash Wednesday.  11 am.   Christ Church, Celbridge.

                        7 p.m.  Straffan.

Fri        23        Whist Drive.  Slip Hall.  8 p.m.

Thu      29        Closing date for next issue of CSNL NEWS.


Fri        1         World Day of Prayer.  St. Patricks Church, Celbridge.

Sun      10        Mothering Sunday

                        Next Issue of CSNL NEWS out.

Sun      17        St. Patricks Day.


Doubt sees the obstacles,

faith sees the way.

Doubt sees the darkest night,

 faith sees the day.

Doubt dreads to take a step,

faith soars on high.

Doubt whispers, Who believes?

 Faith answers, I.



Who’s Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org  celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector:  Rev. Stephen Neill     01-6288231                  087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com          stephen.neill@gmail.com


Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org & 

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org


Chuckle Time

The bride was given away by her father who wore a white ballerina length dress of rose-patterned lace and carried a bouquet of red roses.

Anxiety weighs down a heart, but a kind word cheers it up.  Proverbs. 12:25.

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