Monday 26 June 2023

CSNL News July August 2023


Issue 78       CSNL NEWS         July/August, 2023.

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners


From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

By the time you read these words the State exams will be almost over and many of our young people will be wondering what their results will be and what lies ahead for the next stage in their lives.  Many parents will simultaneously be breathing a sigh of relief that the exam ordeal is over as in many cases they too feel all the pressures that build up around these exams.  So what do you do in this time of waiting and expectation?  Could I suggest that parents and students alike try and switch off and forget about it for a while - rather than worrying about the future enjoy the present moment and appreciate all that is around you and all the immediate possibilities that life brings.


We are not good at doing this and I think that is why the Mindfulness movement has become so popular - it addresses one of the most fundamental flaws in our humanity, our inability to be present to ourselves and one another.  I was very struck by a photo I saw of the fans at the recent Harry Styles concert in Slane and virtually every one of his adoring fans were not actually watching the concert directly but rather watching it via their phone screen as they recorded it to post no doubt on social media afterwards.


I actually felt rather sad reflecting on this and what they were missing out on which is the present moment which is all we have!  The past is past and the future, who knows what will or wont be?  One biblical phrase comes to mind and it is from the Good Shepherd passage from Johns Gospel chapter 10: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  For me that means fully appreciating that life in every waking moment - treating every day and every hour as a gift and not missing the life that is already ours. 

Yours.                                                                                                                         Stephen


Today - Sunday, 18th June is Fathers Day and it is also our Rectors birthday - so many happy returns, Stephen!


Newcastle-Lyons Easter General Vestry Meeting

The Easter General Vestry meeting for Newcastle-Lyons was held on 25th April in the Church.  Rev. Stephen opened the meeting in prayer and apologies were noted.  A pilot study was conducted over the last few months, whereby on the first Sunday of the month the service was held at 10 a.m., due to the success of the late service time, it has been decided to continue indefinitely with a 10 a.m., service on the first Sunday of every month.  The back to Church service held on 2nd April, 2023, despite the fact it didnt capture the attention of our target audience, it was well attended by some parishioners with tea and coffee served after the service.  Newcastle-Lyons parish has a Columbarium in the ruins of the old church, which is available to parishioners in Celbridge & Straffan Parish.  Rev. Stephen thanked everyone for their support throughout the year.  He paid a particular thanks to Geoffrey McMaster as a valuable colleague in ministry.  Sandra Doble presented the Treasurers Report - highlighting areas of concern, despite a slight increase in plate collections, this is the third year we have run at a deficit.  A projection of income and expenditure for 2023, also demonstrates a deficit if we see no change in activities.  Thanks were also given to our Hon. Secretary, Maggie Harris, Church Wardens - Elizabeth Waldron & Vivien Bond.  He also thanked the Glebe Wardens Mervyn Eager, Willie Harris & Tony Waldron.  A special thanks to our Hon. Treasurer, Sandra Doble for overseeing our parish finances and for the considerable work involved in the preparation of the annual accounts.  Finally, to all vestry members and parishioners for the help and time everyone has contributed to the smooth running of the Parish.


Annual Elections:

Rectors Churchwarden                                                                        Vivien Bond

Peoples Churchwarden                                                                        Elizabeth Waldron

Rectors Glebewardens                                     Willie Harris &           Mervyn Eager

Peoples Glebewarden                                                                          Tony Waldron

Select Vestry (in addition to the above)

Devon Beattie                                                 Claire Burke               Sandra Doble

Willie Doble                                                    Maggie Harris            Peter Hildebrand

Andrew Jordan                                               Avril Kerr      


In the Triennial Elections, the following were elected:-


Parochial Nominators                                       Vivien Bond &             Elizabeth Waldron

Supplementals                                                  Claire Burke &           Maggie Harris

Diocesan Synodsperson                                                                        Geoffrey McMaster

Supplemental                                                                                       Maggie Harris

Hon. Secretary                                                                                     Maggie Harris

Hon. Treasurer                                                                                     Sandra Doble


Celbridge & Straffan Easter General Vestry

The Editor apologises for recording inaccurately the Parochial Nominators - they are:- are Caroline Cummins & Jos Evertsen and the Supplemental Parochial Nominators are Debbie Kelly & Ken Denner.  At a meeting of the newly selected vestry, Caroline Cummins was elected Hon. Secretary and Gordon Bass was re-elected as Hon. Treasurer.


Parish Outing - Kilcar Gardens & Tea Rooms

Thursday, 25th May was a sunny day and perfect for the visit of 22 parishioners and friends to Kilgar Gardens in Kilcock.  We were particularly lucky to have been met on arrival by Paula Byrne, who owns and built up the gardens, who took the time to show us around all the various parts of her garden, explaining what she was trying to achieve, her choice of plants and the challenges she faced.  The highlights included the beautiful rose garden, with its variety of colours and textures, and the very peaceful meditation garden. The visit to the garden was followed by tea, coffee and cakes for everyone, all baked by Paula.  It was lovely to see the results of such an ambitious project, a labour of love, and sit in the peaceful garden afterwards.  Thanks to Rebecca Taylor & Esther Lougheed for organising the trip.



James Huddleston & Rebekah Forster, both from Straffan parish were married in Straffan Church on Saturday, 29th April.  It was a beautiful day and a very happy parish celebration.  The reception took place at Poulaphouca House in Wicklow.  We wish James & Rebekah every blessing and happiness in their marriage.



.. to Tony Waldron - recipient of Person of the Year award at the opening of Celbridge Camera Clubs annual exhibition in Castletown.

Straffan Market & Car Boot Sale Report by Jos Evertsen

The 2023 season started on 20th May, a bit later than usual, but started with a bang.  Booked to near capacity with over 60 cars.  The Tea Stall broke a new all time record taking in 525 and brought a big smile on the faces of Iris Fox & Valerie Byrne!  A great result.  The two events to date have brought in just over 2,800 which is equally divided between our Parish and the Straffan Community Hall.  On 17th June we are hosting our third event but with a difference.  As a Community Event, we are hosting and supporting the Straffan Community First Responders group (SCFR).  This group of Community volunteers was recently set up to serve the Straffan Community.  We are providing the group with two stalls to facilitate their fundraising and life-saving demonstrations.  Their fundraising goes towards the purchase of specialised equipment.  Community First Responders are volunteers who are trained to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work. 

Their aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives.

Their role is to help stabilise the patient and provide the appropriate care including CPR & defibrillation, until the more highly skilled ambulance crew arrives on scene to take over the treatment.


Our Market & Car Boot fund raising event is now in its 11th season.  It is based on a great Team of Volunteers who are flexible and generous in giving both their time and contributions.  On behalf of the Parish, thanks to all involved.  Your participation makes a difference in the liveliness and strength of our local community and to our parish finances for the maintenance of our church building.  The dates for the remainder of the 2023 season are:


July 1st, 15th & 29th.  August 12th & 26th.  September, 16th & 30th.  In September we are skipping the 9th September due to the Golf Irish Open when traffic through Straffan will be very limited.  Bookings are taken 7 days before the event date.  Text to mobile - 089-2797200.                                      

Castletown Wanderers

The second event will hopefully take place in the next few weeks and will be announced through the usual social media channels.


Articles Published By Our Rector & Two Parishioners

Organise Your Skills At Monkstown.  James Pasley, organist in Christ Church, Celbridge wrote a report in The Church Review this month on an organ workshop in Monkstown in May, which was attended by aspiring organists from across the dioceses.  Led by organ tutor, David Adams, each student played a pre-prepared piece of their own choosing.  The workshop was an entertaining, productive and encouraging experience for everyone present.  David improved the playing of every student. to learn more of future events for organists and singers. 


Bullying Should Never Be Tolerated.  Rev. Stephen wrote a powerful article in this months Church of Ireland Gazette on this subject.  For six years he endured daily and relentless bullying in a large fee paying Protestant school in Dublin.  He was the target being the new boy, the fat kid, the rectors son - spat upon, mocked .. one teacher even encouraged the bullies.  Bullying was not taken seriously by those in charge of his welfare.  It took him years to get over it and two years of intensive counselling before he was truly able to move on.  Ironically, it was in schools of other Christian traditions that he experienced the proper pastoral care and support that was so lacking in a school that purported to uphold a Protestant Ethos.  He goes on to say that we have a long way to go and the advent of cyber-bullying has brought a whole new and sinister dimension to bullying that has prematurely ended so many young lives.  The article was written in response to the frenzied assault on a young schoolboy by fellow pupils in Navan.


Quick Fire Interview.  In this months issue of Aspire - the Diocesan Magazine for Meath & Kildare, Dee Huddleston, Church & Community Team with Christian Aid Ireland was interviewed by Rev. Alan Melbourne.   Dee has had a long time interest in Christian Aid, working voluntarily in the office before her new role.  Dee spoke on Sunday, 11th June in all three churches on the work in Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) about pigeon peas - a versatile, low-cost, protein-rich and drought resistant crop that is changing the lives of people in Malawi.  Making bread and selling it in order to support their families and with the co-operative set up by Christian Aids local partner getting fair prices.  There was a retiring collection for the work.  In the interview, she spoke about the privilege of going to India in 2017 to see the work first hand.


Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m*   Straffan 10.15 a.m.    Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st        Holy Communion  Service of Word       Holy Communion

2nd        Service of Word    Holy Communion     Service of Word

3rd        Holy Communion  Morning Prayer        Holy Communion

4th        Morning Prayer      Holy Communion    Morning Prayer

5th (30/07/2023)  United Service.  Holy Communion.  11.30 a.m.

            Christ Churcb, Celbridge.


*Services will continue in Newcastle at 10 a.m., on the 1st Sunday as a permanent change in the Sunday timetable.


On Going Events

Craft & Chat:  The Group continues to meet on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30 p.m., in the Slip Hall.  All are welcome to craft, chat and have a cuppa!  The Group will take a break in July and August.


Whist Drives.  Our second and final Whist Drive before the Summer break was on Friday, 12th May and again was a very enjoyable and successful evening.  Thanks to Rebecca Taylor, James Taylor & Esther Lougheed for organising everything. 


We look forward to returning on September, 29th at 8 p.m., in the Slip Hall.  (Last Friday of each month unless otherwise announced.)  New players are always welcome.



Our four candidates, Anni Leach, Kaelan Brooks, Robyn Kerins & Olivia Lanigan were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, 28th May in Christ Church Cathedral - it was a glorious day and they were among 50 candidates from throughout the United Diocese to be confirmed that day which made for a packed cathedral and a great sense of occasion as is fitting for such an important day in their lives.  We wish all the newly confirmed Gods richest blessing.


WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active.  There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.

United Service - 30th April - Straffan Church

The service of Holy Communion concluded with Hymn 456 - Lord, you give the great commission:  Each verse concluded with the words with the Spirits gifts empower us for the work of ministry.  This was very appropriate coming after the Easter General Vestries.  As Rev. Stephen was heading off to the Isle of Skye the following day, Jackie Taylor asked Jenny Shaw to play Spirit of God unseen as the wind as the voluntary, whose tune is the Skye Boat Song.  This was appreciated by the congregation and especially our Rector! 



Our thoughts and prayers are with Olive Shaw and her family on the death of her sister, Eileen Hill in Shercock, Co. Cavan on 19th May.



Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster, Dee Huddleston & Cynthia Lang who took the services on 7th May when our Rector was on holidays.  Also to all maintaining the grounds of the churches over the summer.


Primrose Hill National School

The school will close for the summer on Friday, 23rd June after a closing service in Christ Church, Celbridge at 11 a.m.  We wish all pupils and teachers a happy holiday and for those leaving for secondary school .. all the best for your future education.


Calendar Of Events


Sun 18             Fathers Day!


Sat       1         Straffan Market & Car Boot.  Straffan

Sat       15        Straffan Market & Car Boot.  Straffan.

Sat       29        Straffan Market & Car Boot.  Straffan.

Sun      30        United Service.  11.30 a.m.  Celbridge.


Sat       12        Straffan Market & Car Boot.  Straffan.

Sat       26        Straffan Market & Car Boot.  Straffan.

Mon     28       Closing date for material for CSNL NEWS.


From The Editor Enjoy The Summer!


Whos Who In The Parish

Rector:  Rev. Stephen Neill     01-6288231                  087-2328172


Keep up to date on & &


Church Of Ireland General Synod - Wexford, 12th & 13th May

Members of Synod unanimously passed a Private Members Motion calling on Synod to acknowledge the impact of anti-refugee and migrant hatred in our communities. 


iPod?  iPad?  Try iPray . God is listening!

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