Monday 30 January 2023

Homeless Outreach Collection


Celbridge, Straffan &Newcastle Lyons Parish

Homeless Outreach Collection

Relating to Rev Stephen's notice in the January issue of the parish magazine it was suggested that we could do a collection to help the Homeless. We will have collection points in the 3 churches (when churches are open), the Rectory on Maynooth Road W23K072 (wheely bins at side of house) and Primrose Hill School (during school hours) – Financial donations or vouchers will be receipted on request and should not be put in bins or boxes but handed in to Rectory, school or to churchwardens.

After consultation with Pat Grant of ‘Support the Hidden Homeless Group’, Celbridge & Dublin City, these are the items which would be very useful to them:

Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Coats, Waterproofs, Trousers/Tracksuit bottoms, Jumpers, Tops.

New Socks, New Underwear.

Shower Gel, Deodorant (not spray) Sanitary products, Toothpaste/brushes, Hairbrushes/Combs, Wet Wipes, Tissues, Lip Balm, Moisturiser.

Sleeping Bags, Small Tents, Foil sheets, Heat Pads.

Sweets, Chocolate.

Vouchers for McDonalds/Burger King/ Costa, Tesco, One4All etc.

Pet Food, Leads, Dog Coats, Blankets, Bowls etc

Also accepted Cash donations which as a parish we will turn into items/vouchers to be donated.

If you think of something else ask and we’ll check!

It is envisaged that this project will be time limited and will run for the month of February – Depending on results it can be repeated as required

Scripture & Prayer

Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you? Then He will answer them, Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me. (Matthew 25:44-45).

Lord help us to respond to the strangers in our midst – May we be aware that everyone matters and is loved by you and so may we be agents of that love in action. We ask you to bless our efforts to reach out to our sisters and brothers and help us to recognize that we are all one in you and when one hurts we all hurt. May we serve you by serving one another. Amen.

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