Tuesday 8 November 2022


 Thanks to our Editor Lilian Webb for getting the magazine out as always :)

Issue 74 CSNL NEWS November/December, 2022

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

It is All Saints Day as I write these notes for the parish magazine This issue covers two critical months in the year that are a microcosm of the whole cycle of life. We begin with the traditional time of Remembrance of those who have died and then move into the time of Preparation that is Advent and then into Celebration at Christmas and finally Anticipation at what the New Year will bring. All of these are important parts of what it is to be human. Sometimes we are remembering, sometimes preparing, sometimes celebrating and sometimes anticipating it is a cycle which keeps repeating and that is no bad thing as long as we move through the transitions and dont get stuck at any one point. We cannot always be remembering or we get stuck in the past we can only do so much preparation before it becomes an end in itself – we can only celebrate for so long as the high has to end sometime and finally in anticipating the future there is a fine line between anticipation and worry so let us use these couple of months to embrace the God given rhythm of life which helps us to negotiate the ups and downs of that life. And finally A very Happy Christmas to you all.

Yours. Stephen

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m* Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

*As a trial starting on Sunday, 6th November, services in Newcastle will on the 1st Sunday of each month take place at the later time of 10 a.m. It is hoped that this will accommodate those who find the 9 a.m. quite a challenge, especially in the winter months. This time change will not affect the service times in either of the other two churches.

Whats The Collective Noun For A Bunch Of Surprises!

50+ YEARS OF SERVICE: A surprise awaited our deputising organist Valerie Twomey who was playing for Celbridge Harvest Festival on Sunday, 9th October. Over 50 years ago Valerie had first played the organ in Celbridge while a student at Celbridge Collegiate School (now Celbridge Manor Hotel) and over the years has played frequently including a short period as the parish organist. At the end of the service Bill Nicholson, on behalf of the parishioners presented Valerie with a beautiful Autumnal bouquet and once Valerie got over the shock she delivered a fine speech in appreciation.

BELATED PRESENTATIONS: One of many challenges of the Covid Pandemic was the inability to mark certain significant occasions in a meaningful way. On Sunday, 30th October at the end of the United Service in Straffan we tried to make up for this with presentations to two parishioners who had stepped back from major roles in the parish during the period of the pandemic. The first was Jos Evertsen who had been a previous parish secretary and especially involved in the administration of the parish during the prolonged vacancy period. He was also instrumental and the driving force behind the refurbishment of the Slip Houses and the lower hall in Celbridge which are a great legacy into the future. Jos was presented with a Blue Book voucher which we hope he and Dorothy will enjoy using and Dorothy was also presented with a bouquet of flowers acknowledging her patience when Jos was tied up on parish business.

Jackie Taylor also stepped back from here role as Lay Minister in the parish during the pandemic and she had for many years been a key part of the Ministry team in the parish. Always a thoughtful preacher and putting much preparation into leading prayers and worship Jackie has provided a faithful ministry among us and we are very thankful for her dedicated service. Jackie was also presented with a Blue Book voucher and some flowers. Some of Jackies family who could not be present including some in South Africa and Australia were able to watch from afar via the livestream webcam. That was not the end of it! However Two ladies in Straffan had in recent times had milestone birthdays celebrating their 90th birthdays and both Kate Bagwell & Pat Sharp were presented with flowers to mark the significant birthdays. All the recipients seemed very surprised and many thanks to all those who helped to arrange the presentations.

Its Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Time!

You can bring your completed shoeboxes or fillers for the boxes to the churches or Sherwood Lane Restaurant in Celbridge where they will be collected - All donations greatly appreciated - further details available in the churches. If anyone would like to volunteer with us please contact Claire on 086 0640547. We will be working in the sort centre over by Lucan Garden centre (across from Peamount Hospital) from the 8th of November for approximately four weeks.

The table quiz on 22nd September in the Kildrought Pub went really well and was very well attended. All the money made on the night will be used to buy supplies of school stationery, wash items, clothes, toys and sweets. Many thanks to everyone that attended.

WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active. There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.

On Going Events

Craft & Chat: Good News! After a 2 and a half year break, the group resumed on 4th October meeting Tuesdays at 2.30 pm in the Slip Hall. It was great to welcome some new faces as well as the familiar faces! All are welcome!

Whist Drive: There will be a Christmas Whist Drive date to be confirmed.

Time Of Prayer For Healing: It is hoped to recommence the Wednesday morning services in the New Year.

Remembrance Sunday - 13th November

The rite of Remembrance will be observed in all churches. From this Sunday (6th November) Poppies will be available in our churches.


Thanks to all who decorated our churches so beautifully for the recent

harvest services and provided the music. St. Finians in Newcastle was the first on its traditional last Sunday of September (25th) in the afternoon. The following Sunday 2nd October was Straffans turn at 10.15 a.m., and then finally Celbridge at 11.30 on the 9th October.

10 Years Of The STRAFFAN MARKET & CAR BOOT SALE - Looking Back - By Jos Evertsen

THE INCEPTION: During 2011, our Parish Fundraising Committee was trying to come up with new fundraising ideas. Not an unusual annual struggle for any Parish! The idea of car boot sales was novel, there was no local competition and such an event could bring in a worthwhile return on a regular basis. As it happened, it became apparent that the Straffan Community Hall Committee had come up with a similar idea for their recent revamp of the Community Hall. The two groups agreed a combined effort to be held on our Straffan church grounds. The first Straffan Car Boot Sale kicked off on the 16th July 2011.

For both parties the objective of the car boot sale was fundraising. For our Parish it was to create income and funds towards the maintenance of the Straffan church building. The Straffan Community Hall Committee had a significant loan outstanding on the full revamp of the Hall. The running of the car boot was to be done by volunteers from both parties, a combined initiative still operational today.

From early on, we created our own brand of car boot sale. We diverted from the more common approach of a First come First serve basis and park up as many as you can squeeze in, and we

introduced a pre-booking system for numbered 3 metre wide stalls. This avoided not only the usual vying and jostling for places, but more importantly it avoided early morning (4 a.m. onwards) queuing in the village. Also every car had enough space to set up its own wares. With careful planning we now manage to mark out up to 70 car spaces (stalls) around the church grounds.

It soon became apparent that a lot of the booters were looking for refreshments and wandered across to the local shop. The setting up of our own tea stall with home baking proved to be in great demand and provided a further profitable income stream. Since its inception in 2011, the car boot is held twice a month between April and October.

A TYPICAL WEEK PREPARING FOR A STRAFFAN MARKET & CAR BOOT SATURDAY: A successful car boot depends largely on two factors (1) Attracting enough cars / booters to fill all available places and (2) Encouraging enough buyer foot fall to give a profitable

return to the booters. Advertising by both ourselves and the booters (on Facebook) generally brings in enough people to make it a worthwhile effort for everyone and including of course, the social element for the community.

In the background, there are a lot of other things quietly going on in order to get ready for the Saturday event. Volunteers on the Team have taken on certain tasks to make it all come together on the day. Putting up the road advertising signs, cutting the grass, taking bookings, rostering volunteers, marking out the site, baking by the tea stall volunteers. We have a 7:00 am start on the Saturday morning and we place NO PARKING cones along the road side and check-in the booters. During the morning we monitor activity and safety on the site and account for the monies received at the gate and the tea stall. Of course there is always the tidying up at the end of each event. This process is repeated every two weeks between the end of April and early October, on average 12 events per year.

WHAT HAVE THE MARKET & CAR BOOT EVENTS CONTRIBUTED DURING THE PAST 10 YEARS?: The Straffan Market & Car Boot sale has become a true Community Event. Through the Team of Volunteers, people work together across the entire community. It has become a place where the Straffan locals meet up for a coffee and a chat. Its popularity also attracts booters and people from outside the Straffan area and who have become regulars. We draw people from as far as Antrim, Swords, Dublin city, Mullingar, Wexford and even County Clare.

Over the years a close community has been formed amongst the booters and the local volunteers. Many attend not only to sell their wares but to enjoy the safe local setting and the social aspect that our event brings. Its social impact is invaluable and quite unique. For several years we also held a Christmas Fair in early December. For this, people prepared special Christmas decorations, art and baking. Whilst it was popular with both sellers and buyers, we had to stop as the weather conditions at that time of the year are too unpredictable, causing everyone disappointment when it had to be cancelled. It is still something that people enquire about.

The underlying fundraising drive has also made a significant financial impact in both our parish and the community hall. The financial benefit generated, is always shared between the Straffan Community Hall and our Straffan church. Since its inception in 2011 we have had 10 years of events. Both 2020 and 2021 were written off due to the COVID pandemic restrictions. During this time we held

138 events.

had 6,073 cars / booters on site.

generated a total income of 135,900.

Entrance Fees - 91,454.

The Tea Stall - 37,042.

Donations and other activities - 7,404.

running expenses were kept to just 2,290 through the generosity of all our volunteers.

WHAT BENEFIT HAS THIS BROUGHT TO OUR PARISH & STRAFFAN COMMUNITY HALL?: As highlighted earlier, the major benefits brought by the Straffan Market & Car Boot Events are both the social dynamic in the local community and the fundraising for both our Parish and the Straffan Community Hall. The funds that came to our parish made various things possible which otherwise would have posed significant financial challenges to our limited Parish finances. The fundraising contributed to the upkeep of the Straffan church building as follows;

Major internal roof repair and the valley replacement on the south roof.

Installation of a toilet facility.

Refurbishment of the Vestry.

Refurbishment to the Bier.

Central heating maintenance.

In 2022, roof slates and gutter repairs - 2,600.

In the next two years we need to replace the valley on the north roof.

In 2013 the Straffan Community Hall underwent a major refurbishment. It now provides a modern facility where community groups and activities are held for both adults and children. It now hosts

art classes, Pilates, music lessons, drama, a youth group and a mother & toddler group. Except for the grant-aid from the Leader Programme, the cost of the extensive refurbishment was met by a significant loan which has now been paid off. Future income will continue to support the maintenance and further development of the Hall facilities. The Community Hall has now established itself as a central asset to the Straffan community and is available for rent.

ARE THERE PLANS FOR 2023?: This Community Event has generated a unique social dynamic in the local community. Its continued success however fully depends on the willingness and numbers of volunteers available. Without them, it will not be possible to stage or manage it. This past season we had up to 41 volunteers who were willing to help for two hours on a Saturday morning and including baking for the tea stall. Whilst it looks like a large number, it was still a challenge at times to get adequate numbers, especially during the school holiday period.

During March 2023 the volunteers will get together again to discuss arrangements for the 2023 season. We always welcome anyone interested in helping out, even for just a few hours on a Saturday morning. We concluded 2022 very successfully.

On behalf of both our parish and our local community, a big Thank-You to all the volunteers who made themselves available and supported the Straffan Market & Car Boot Sale. Please join us again in the 2023 season.


Congratulations to two couples who walked down the aisle in Straffan Church during September. On Friday, 16th September, Suzanne Lett & Calvin Murphy wed and on Saturday, 24th September, Rachel Taylor and Conor O’Callaghan tied the knot. We wish both couples every blessing in their futures together.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, the bereaved, for the citizens of Ukraine both here and in their own country.

Church of Ireland Gazette

This is a great magazine to keep you abreast with news and views of the Church of Ireland across the island of Ireland, as well as world news, devotional, youth, social, crossword, recipes, monthly readings etc. It costs 40 for the e-edition, 75 to be posted to your home, or 45 to church/local shop. There are 10 editions per year. gazette.ireland.anglican.org.

Church Review Subscription Renewal - 2023

Coming up at the end of the year and we are happy to tell you that the annual subscription amount remains at 40. This month there are a few extra copies in the church please take one and if you are interested in becoming a new subscriber please let the distributor in your church know.

Celbridge: Ken Denner

Straffan Debbie Kelly

Newcastle-Lyons Elizabeth Waldron


It was with huge sadness we heard the news of Audrey Smyths death after a short period of ill health. Audrey was a very faithful and supportive parishioner in Christ Church, Celbridge and also known by so many people in the town, especially on Main Street where she lived at the heart of the community. Unfailingly generous and possessing a great sense of humour, Audrey was very popular and will be sorely missed. She died peacefully on October 22nd in the care of Glenashling Nursing Home. We think especially of her sister Ruth, brother-in-law David, niece Louise and her husband Dave, grandnieces Charlotte & Isabel, aunts, cousins, relatives and all who mourn her loss. Her funeral took place on Wednesday 26th October at 12 Noon in Christ Church, Celbridge followed by burial in Donacomper Cemetery, Celbridge.

Double Baptism

Caoimhe Lily-Jane Small & Arthur Davies Small, children of Sophie & Max Small of Straffan were baptised in Straffan Church on 22nd October 2022. We wish them both every blessing in their journeys in life and faith.

Music In Christ Church, Celbridge

Having attended St. Andrews Church, Lucan for many years, pandemic travel restrictions and a new found love of walking, prompted Trish and I to discover our local church. It wasnt long before Zoe Lipson, the established organist, invited me to play the organ. That gradually became a full time commitment with the arrival of her first born. Providing music during a pandemic was an interesting experience. As restrictions gradually lifted, we constantly adapted to what was allowed at each point. Initially, hymns had to be played while singing was banned. Once a solo singer was allowed, my daughter Rebecca would sing, socially distanced and behind transparent screens made from IKEA picture frames, mounted on microphone stands and secured with sticky tape. A small choir was allowed by Christmas with choir members enduring masks and other restrictions to provide music at all services. Thankfully we are back to normal again now. The choir in Christ Church as been re-growing steadily over the last year. You can join us on any Sunday and you will be made welcome. We are currently preparing a few pieces for Christmas. The possibilities are endless now that we are free of restrictions.

Playing the pipe organ in Christ Church, Celbridge is both a pleasure and a privilege. You are invited to share the experience. The organ is versatile and well maintained, supporting a variety of registrations for voluntaries and for accompanying singers. If you already play piano and would like to try playing the organ, then please contact me. You are welcome to bring along some sheet music after any service and I will be happy to show you how to get started.

You don
t need previous experience and there is no requirement to play for services. If you would like to play for a service, then I can highly recommend it. Learning to play music is a lot of fun. I find that playing for others makes music practice meaningful and provides a sense of purpose. I started out playing just one hymn per Sunday as the organist played the rest. This gentle introduction to playing in public was a good way to get started, and is perhaps something you could aim for. There also many training opportunities provided by the dioceses through Church Music Dublin.

James Pasley, Organist. 087-0515859.

Pet Blessing Service

Saturday Morning 1st October was the occasion of our Ecumenical Pet Blessing in Christ Church, Celbridge. Our Rector was accompanied by Fr Joe McDonald (PP Celbridge & Straffan) in leading the service. A large number of pets, mostly dogs and one brave cat attended and sang, barked and meowed enthusiastically in accompaniment to the organ played by James Pasley. The collection was for KWWSPCA and a number of the volunteers were present along with 2 rescue dogs to share information about the work of the society. The total raised was a very generous 529.33. Thanks also to those who provided the teas and refreshments for pets and their humans after the service and to those who helped with stewarding, handing out service sheets and reading. It was the first time back indoors since the pandemic and it was a joy to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too. We were delighted that the local paper, The Liffey Champion covered the event and gave a full page spread of interviews and photos. Roll on next year! 

Chuckle Time

A priest leading assembly asked the children, Now, who can tell me what you have to do to get to heaven? One little boy put up his hand at once. Die, sir.

Advent & Christmas Services

These will be announced in churches, on the website and social media.

Calendar Of Events


Sun 13 Remembrance Sunday.

Sun 27 Advent Sunday.


Sat 24 Christmas Eve.

Sun 25 Christmas Day.


Sun 1 New Years Day.

Church Review Subscriptions due.

Tue 3 Closing date for CSNL NEWS.

Whos Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com stephen.neill@gmail.com

Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org &

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org

My God shall supply all your need - Philippians 4:19

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