Friday 28 October 2022

Would you like to sing in the choir or learn to play the church organ?

Music in Christ Church Celbridge

Having attended St. Andrew’s Lucan for many years, pandemic travel restrictions and a new found love of walking, prompted Trish and I to discover our local church. It wasn’t long before Zoe, the established organist, invited me to play the organ. That gradually became a full time commitment with the arrival of her first born. Providing music during a pandemic was an interesting experience. As restrictions gradually lifted, we constantly adapted to what was allowed at each point. Initially, hymns had to be played while singing was banned. Once a solo singer was allowed, my daughter Rebecca would sing, socially distanced and behind transparent screens made from IKEA picture frames, mounted on microphone stands and secured with sticky tape. A small choir was allowed by Christmas with choir members enduring masks and other restrictions to provide music at all services. Thankfully we are back to normal again now. The choir in Christ Church has been regrowing steadily over the last year. You can join us on any Sunday and you will be made welcome. We are currently preparing a few pieces for Christmas. The possibilities are endless now that we are free of restrictions.

Playing the pipe organ in Christ Church Celbridge is both a pleasure and a privilege. You are invited to share the experience. The organ is versatile and well maintained, supporting a variety of registrations for voluntaries and for accompanying singers. If you already play piano and would like to try playing the organ, then please contact me. You are welcome to bring along some sheet music after any service and I will be happy to show you how to get started.

You don’t need previous experience and there is no requirement to play for services. If you would like to play for a service, then I can highly recommend it. Learning to play music is a lot of fun. I find that playing for others makes music practice meaningful and provides a sense of purpose. I started out playing just one hymn per Sunday as the organist played the rest. This gentle introduction to playing in public was a good way to get started, and is perhaps something you could aim for. There are also many training opportunities provided by the dioceses through Church Music Dublin.

James  Pasley
087 0515859


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