Wednesday 7 September 2022

CSNL News September October 2022

 Thanks to Lilian Webb our Editor for another great issue:

Issue 73 CSNL NEWS September/October, 2022

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

As I write these words we are still basking in what appears to be an Indian Summer - at the same time our news cycle is full of dire warning about rising energy costs and power cuts on the horizon. On days like this when cold seems a far off reality we perhaps do not take these warnings so seriously but no doubt in a couple of months time the reality of this hardship will be felt by all of us. But for the moment we are enjoying the fine weather and will deal with the energy issues at a later date. Is this a foolish way to live? Are we living in denial? Should we not be doing something to prepare like perhaps knitting some Aran jumpers to keep the cold at bay? Strange as it may seem I think we are right and I take my cue from one of the readings often read at Harvest Thanksgiving, Matthew 6 and especially verse 34: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Worrying really doesnt help and sometimes we can overwhelm ourselves by trying to resolve everything all at once. Sometimes we need to just let go and trust that God will see us through whatever lies ahead.

Yours Stephen

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

5th 30th October, 2022 United Service. 11 a.m. Straffan.

Just A Thought - Coffee

Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere.

Primrose Hill School Welcome Back!

.. to the children and staff after the holidays and a special welcome to our new students. The school is heavily subscribed and places are much in demand which is a good complaint. The school is looking well with a major clearance of the overgrowth to the front during the holidays and work is at hand redeveloping the courtyard garden. One nasty surprise awaiting the Principal on returning the week before the school reopened was to find one of the upstairs classrooms with large amounts of water and ceiling on the floor. The fear at first was that the roof had leaked but it turned out to be a burst water tank in the attic. Many thanks to Jonathan Watkins, who came to the rescue and secured the situation to prevent further damage. Until the repairs are completed the GP room will be used as a temporary classroom.


John Thomas ( Jack) Finlay, died suddenly on 9th August. Sadly missed by his loving wife, Iris, sons Stephen & Barry, daughters-in-law Emma & Joo, grandchildren Eve, Conor, Luke & Taea, relatives, kind neighbours and friends. A private funeral service took place on 17th August in Christ Church, Celbridge, with burial afterwards in Donacomper Cemetery, Celbridge. Our sympathy also goes to Ken Denner, whose sister-in-law Christine Denner died on 26th August, and whose funeral service was on 3rd September.

Zoom Midweek Coffee Meeting Evenings & WhatsApp Group

Zoom chats on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m., will resume towards the end of September. If you want to be added to the link - contact our Rector. New participants are always welcome. The parish WhatsApp group continues to be a useful networking and contact point for parishioners/friends. Our Rector apologises for all the bad jokes he posts!

Craft & Chat, Whist Drives, Time Of Prayer For Healing

Details for Craft & Chat returning to the Slip Hall have not yet been confirmed. There is nothing definite yet re the resumption of Whist Drives. Wednesday morning services are not resuming at present.


.. to all those who maintained the church grounds in all three churches over the summer. Also to those who joined the work party in Celbridge this week. In Straffan - flower beds were weeded, hedges clipped, walls cleared of ivy and the gravel cleared of weeds. The large turnout meant that most of the work was done in little more than an hour and a half! Also to Dee Huddleston, Geoffrey McMaster & Cynthia Lang for taking services on 25th July, 7th & 14th August, while our Rector was away and for Rev. Scott Peoples for being on call.

Straffan Finally Goes Live!

After two years delay due to difficulties with broadband installation, Straffan Church finally had its webcam connected and it is now up and running and services are available both live and recorded. You can tune in at (Note Straffan is misspelt on web address) or on our parish Facebook page

Volunteers Wanted!

Marcus Beresford would like to hear from anyone who would like to be added to the readers list in Straffan church. Also, would anyone like to be added to the team in Straffan who set up the church each Sunday? There is a list in the church porch.

Not Bats - But Birds In The Belfry!

Straffan Belfry had over the period of the Covid lockdown become a nesting place for huge number of birds (mostly jackdaws) who had gradually filled it with twigs and branches and other bits and pieces many feet thick. Thanks to those who donned protective gear and cleared out the belfry and in the process filled 13 garden refuse sacks! The team were Tony Kelly, David & Ian Mercier, Thomas Hardy & Tom Moody.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, the bereaved, for the citizens of Ukraine both here and in their own country. Our prayers are also with those who receive their exam results and make decisions re their future.

Dee Huddleston - Her Lay Readership Journey

I do think at the beginning I should say that God’s timing is always just right as, for me, I had hoped to be a missionary or something like that when I left school but my Mum & Dad were not very happy about that so it had to be shelved and shelved for many years at that!!! I became busy, as we all do with career, then raising a family and looking after my Mum & Dad, who weren’t too well for a number of years.

I loved being involved in all the many aspects and activities of the church but really hadn’t thought of any kind of ‘ministry’ until a couple of years ago. At that time I was volunteering with Christian Aid and then working with them on the Church & Community Team. Part of this work involves going along to church services or Mothers’ Union meetings and speaking about our work and it helped me to gain confidence in speaking in the setting of a church service.

It was Jackie Taylor who first asked me if I had considered Lay Ministry and my first reaction was say a definite no. However, she had laid a seed and it grew until I went to Stephen and asked him what he thought? He was supportive and encouraging from the outset and helped me to apply for a place on the course. From there, it was all go - firstly a session with Reverend John Tanner, to find out what was involved. I think in previous years there had been a whole weekend in the Theological College but we were learning during Covid times so everything was via Zoom. Then having confirmed we were all interested, it was onto the interview stage. The interview was with three clergy and thankfully I made it through. The actual study began in January, 2021 and we had a year long intense course in Christian Theology and practice, again done via Zoom. This course was done through Trinity College. The next part of the course was to learn the practicalities of Worship and Preaching. This was very enjoyable and took place during the months of February to May, 2022. There is still another part of this course to complete and that will take place during Autumn 2022 or Spring 2023 - we have yet to hear the details.

We were to be commissioned on June, 19th but on the morning I discovered that I had contracted Covid!! I was heartbroken but thankfully I had the opportunity to meet with the Archbishop shortly after that for a short personal commissioning. It was lovely and I am so grateful to the Archbishop for doing that. As you know, it is now getting out on Sunday mornings to help Stephen or to take the service on my own. It was a wonderful learning experience and hopefully I can be used by God in this ministry in may ways.

On Sunday, 17th July, Dee wore her robes for the first time and led Morning Prayer, read and led the prayers while Rev. Stephen preached. At the start of the service, our Rector welcomed Dee on to the Ministry Team and at the end of the service prayed for her and her new ministry. A very happy day for Dee and for the parishioners who attended. We wish her God’s blessing as she commences this sphere of service.

Rev. Stephen writes: Congratulations to Dee Huddleston of Straffan on recently completing her training for Diocesan Lay Ministry and then commissioned by the Archbishop. Dee has been a part of the worship leading team in the parish for some time but it is great to welcome her officially in her new capacity. We pray that like our other Lay Ministers she may find this new role fulfilling and we give thanks for all our Lay Ministers and their generosity of service and ministry within the parish and beyond.

Team Hope Christmas Shoe Box Appeal & Fundraising Quiz

There will be a table quiz on Thursday, 22nd September, 2022 in the upstairs lounge of the Kildrought Pub in Celbridge at 8.00 p.m., as a fundraiser. We would be delighted to see you on the night. 40.00 per table.

The sorting of the shoeboxes will begin again around the second week of November. If anyone has some time to spare we would be very grateful for your help. If youd like to know more or be added to the volunteer list please message me on 086-0640547. If anyone has shoeboxes, teddies, small toys, clothes aged 2-14, stationery, sweets and wash items we would be very happy to collect them from you. Many thanks. Claire Burke

Harvest Festivals & Pet Blessing Services

There will be a Pet Blessing Service on Saturday, 1st October at 11.30 a.m., at Christ Church, Celbridge. The first of the Harvest Thanksgivings will take place in St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons on Sunday, 25th September at 3.30 p.m. On Sunday, 2nd October, the Harvest Festival will be held in Straffan Church at 10.15 a.m., and in Christ Church, Celbridge on Sunday, 9th October at 11.30 a.m.

Chuckle Time

During the Sunday morning service, the rector (not ours!) announced, that the final hymn will be “Take Time To Be Holy”. Then he added, “In the interest of time, we’ll sing only the first and last verses.”

Baptism & Weddings

Jacob Benjamin Kelly, son of Eva & Robert Kelly, and brother to Noah & Samuel was baptised in Christ Church, Celbridge on Sunday, 10th July. His Godparents are Eunice Lynn & Frank Quinn. We wish Jacob Benjamin every blessing in his journey in life and faith.

Best wishes to two couples walking down the aisle in Straffan Church during September. On Friday, 16th September, Suzanne Lett & Calvin Murphy are to wed and on Saturday, 24th September, Rachel Taylor and Conor O’Callaghan are to tie the knot. We wish both couples every blessing on their wedding days.

Calendar Of Events


Sat 10 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sat 17 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Thu 22 Table Quiz. Kildrought Inn, Celbridge. 8.00 p.m.

Sun 25 Harvest. St. Finians Newcastle-Lyons. 3.30 p.m.


Sat 1 Pet Blessing Service. Christ Church, Celbridge. 11.30 a.m.

Sun 2 Harvest. Straffan Church. 10.15 a.m.

Sun 9 Harvest. Christ Church, Celbridge. 11.30 a.m.

Sun 30 United Service. Straffan. 11 a.m.


Tue 1 Closing date for November/December issue.

All Saints Day.

Straffan Market & Car Boot 2022 - Your Bargains Hub

Thanks to all those who have helped with the Car Boots on 25th June, 23rd July, 13th & 27th August. Unfortunately, the one scheduled for 9th July had to be cancelled as Irish Water were carrying out major works in Straffan Village. The home baking at the Tea Stall has proven to be in huge demand. Congratulations to the ‘tea stallers’ and all the home bakers on this huge success and coping with the demand.

Don’t forget to come and join us at the next event on 10th September and the final one for the year on September, 17th.

Don’t forget that after your trawling of the stalls you can sit and relax at our Tea Stall with a cuppa and a sumptuous piece of fresh home baking.

Remember as well as car boot stalls, you can buy fresh produce, local crafts, home bakes, home made jams etc.

Remember bookings are via text only - 089-2797200. No calls will be answered. No large vans.

Whos Who In The Parish

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

Keep up to date on & &

My God shall supply all your need - Philippians 4:19

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