Tuesday 21 June 2022

CSNL News - July August 2022

 Thanks to Lilian Webb our Editor for getting this to Press as usual :)

Issue 72 CSNL NEWS July/August, 2022

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

As I write these notes some of you have already been on holidays and others yet to go. Whether near or far I encourage you where possible to make some time for yourselves and spend some time doing something different from the daily grind. We all need refreshment and it is no bad thing to be a little self indulgent as if we are not kind to ourselves we will be of little use to others. Jesus himself is often depicted withdrawing from the crowd and attempting to get away from it all and of course he didnt always succeed but nonetheless it is an important example of the importance of just being rather than doing. It reminds me of being asked as a child what I wanted to do when I grew up - I now realise that a better question would have been: What do you want to be? and the answer I would suggest is loved by God and we dont have to do anything to earn that love - may you all know that love in your lives and may this Summer bring

refreshment and contentment in who God has made you to be.

Yours Stephen

A Very Special Day - Sunday, 19th June, 2022

This afternoon at 3.30 in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Dee Huddleston will be commissioned along with some other trainees as a Diocesan Reader by Archbishop Michael Jackson. This is a very important day in the life of Dee and we wish her Gods blessing as she embarks on this role in the life of the church and service of God.

CSNL NEWS Next Out - Sunday, 4th September

Enjoy the summer! Editor

Confirmation - Pentecost Sunday, 5th June, 2022

It was wonderful to be able to witness our young people being confirmed after two years of delays due to Covid. We had ten candidates from the parish in total and all were confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral, Evan Finnerty on 22nd May and the remaining candidates on 5th June - Alice Stevens, Sophie Stevens, Charlie Kavanagh-Doyle, Ava Fairbrother Blanc, Adam Morrissey, Lucy Moss Weir, Arthur Hollinshead, Heaven Anaedozie & Ewan McKenna. Both events were packed to the doors as there were over 60 candidates for the two services and numbers of guests per candidate were limited to 4 - thankfully the services were live streamed for those who could not attend. Indeed the virtual world of Zoom played a large part in the preparation of the candidates and as Rector, I want to thank all the candidates for the way they engaged in this challenge. We wish all the candidates every blessing in their lives and journeys of faith.


Robert Arlo Sveass Guinness, son of Richard & Clemmie and grandson of Robert & Sarah of Lodge Park House was baptised in Straffan Church on Saturday, 21st May. The godparents are Florence Seal, Katharine Jarvis, Laua Cole, Oliver Backhouse, Tom Fair, Myles Mahon & Tom Palmer (in absentia, in Australia). We wish Robert Arlo every blessing in his journey in life and faith.

Primrose Hill School End Of Year Service

This will be held on Thursday, 23rd June at 11 a.m., - the first time school will be back in church since 2019!

Vocation Sunday 2022

It can be marked in September during the traditional season for ordinations in the Church of Ireland or any other Sunday. Anyone with an interest in exploring a vocation to ordained ministry is encouraged to speak with their rector in the first instance. A range of resources is available at www.vocations.ireland.anglican.org along with the ”It’s Your Call” video which highlights the call to ordained ministry.

Straffan Market & Car Boot 2022 - Your Bargains Hub

On the 30th April last, we restarted the above. This is our 11th consecutive year. During the two years of Covid regulations we had to abandon all our events during 2020 and managed three limited events during 2021. Full steam ahead this year with the benefit of some new volunteers joining in, especially several new home bakers who are most welcome.

The Straffan Market & Car Boot is not only a unique community wide social event but is also a fundraising initiative. It supports the maintenance and development of both the Straffan Community Hall and the Straffan Church of Ireland church building. The funds raised are equally divided between the two beneficiaries. During the pre-Covid years, the event raised approximately €14,000 per year. All the organisation and work is done by volunteers. All home baking is done and donated by all volunteer home bakers. Without the time and personal commitment, dedication and generosity of the Team, the Straffan Market & Car Boot simply would not happen and the beneficiaries would be much the poorer.

This year we have a Team of 47 volunteers, 23 helping out with Site Supervision and 24 managing the Tea Stall and donating home baking. This is done on a rota basis. Whilst it looks like a big army of volunteers, for every Saturday we need at least 8 to help with Site Supervision and 4 on Tea Stall duty with the support of an extra 2-3 bakers. Hence we can do with a few more volunteers on all fronts. You are only committing yourself to a 2.5 hours session on a Saturday morning, AND it also give you a great opportunity to pick up fresh produce and great bargains!

So far this year we have had four events. We continue to have some great variety of produce and craft items as well as the traditional car boot provisions - fresh home baking, preserves, Dutch crafted chocolate (must be good!!), up cycled steel garden craft, vintage items, toys, baby, children and adult clothing .. and much more.

During this year’s events we have already hosted 200 stalls and raised just over €4,500. The home baking at the Tea Stall has proven to be in huge demand and it has earned just below €2,000 so far. Congratulations to the ‘tea stallers’ and all the home bakers on this huge success and coping with the demand.

Don’t forget to come and join us at the next event on 25th June.

Don’t forget that after your trawling of the stalls you can sit and relax at our Tea Stall with a cuppa and a sumptuous piece of fresh home baking.

We’ll see you on the 25th June and please put the following dates in your diary - July 9th & 23rd, August 13th & 27th & September, 10th & 17th.

Jos Evertsen on behalf of the Team.

Focus On Good Mental Health

Applications for seed funding from MINDMATTERS COI project are open and will close on 29th July. The project will provide financial initiatives which will address one or all of the following themes - reducing stigma; promoting connections; clergy training and supports and mental health and faith. Applications can come from parishes, parish organisations, youth groups etc. www.mindmatters.ireland.anglican.org.

The Church of Ireland has announced a Clergy Assistance Programme to help improve mental health among leaders in ordained ministry. Mental health training is being rolled out to clergy and pastoral carers, free-of-charge and delivered online by Action Mental Health. The Church is also seeking to recruit mental health champions/advocated as part of the project, who will help promote positive mental health in the Church of Ireland. www.mindmatters.ireland.anglican.org.


.. to Bill Nicholson for arranging the recent fence building in the back garden of the Slip Hall complex - led with Robert Huddleston’s expertise the team which included Bill Nicholson, Lucy Jones, Thomas Hardy & John Lougheed made a great job of the fence.

Easter General Vestry - Celbridge & Straffan

Primrose Hill School was the venue for the EGV for Celbridge & Straffan on Tuesday, 3rd May at 8 p.m. Our Rector opened the meeting with prayer. There were a number of apologies. The minutes of the EGV held via Zoom on 22nd April, 2021 were circulated, adopted and signed. There were no matters arising. Our Rector opened his report by stating that the recent reading was of Jesus appearing to his disciples in person and how nice it was that we all could meet again in person. The world has changed due to the pandemic and also habits in relation to church attendance. Rev. Stephen before Covid had spoken about renewal and he intends to have a number of meetings and invited others interested to participate. There is a reliance on rental income. He went on to thank the secretary, John Lougheed - a challenging period of new technology, treasurer, Gordon Bass, church wardens, Paula Howard, Dee Huddleston, Bill Nicholson & Shirley Dunlop, glebe wardens, Ken Denner & Tom Hardy, Bill Nicholson for steering the hall back to full capacity, for the extra storage, further development of the Celbridge buildings and himself and Anne in their regular weekend cleaning around Celbridge church, the Select Vestry, the Ministry team, Jackie Taylor, Cynthia Lang, Dee Huddleston & Geoffrey McMaster, the organists, Jenny Shaw, Dorothy Evertsen, James Pasley, Zoe Lipson & Steve Higg and specially happy for Zoe on the safe delivery of Arthur. He concluded by thanking the parish for making possible together with a very generous donation and a mobility access grant from Kildare County Council (where Linda Daly’s experience was invaluable) for bathroom adaptations for Aaron. Then he announced his church and glebe wardens.

Gordon Bass circulated the statement of financial activities for Celbridge/Straffan for the year ended 31st December, 2021. Total income from all sources was €122,223 with Expenditure of €101,703 showing a surplus of €20,520. It was pointed out that the hall and other rental income related to €60,056. The Diocesan assessment and obligations were €52,942. Gordon gave a very comprehensive report. It was suggested that a piece be written in CSNL NEWS re the tax

situation if €250 per annum (or more) is given in a year to the benefit of the parish. Also to thank parishioners as all charities are suffering as a result of Covid and to highlight the positives! Rev. Stephen thanked the Treasurer and Auditor for the excellent preparation and presentation of the accounts. The accounts were proposed, seconded,

adopted and signed.

The following were then elected:

Rector’s Church Warden Celbridge Paula Howard

Straffan Dee Huddleston

Rector’s Glebe Warden Celbridge Kenneth Denner

People’s Church Warden Celbridge Bill Nicholson

Straffan Shirley Dunlop

People’s Glebe Warden - Celbridge & Straffan Thomas Hardy

The remaining members of the Select Vestry are:-

Gordon Bass Caroline Cummins Linda Daly

Liam Gately John Lougheed

There are still a number of vacancies.

Our Rector was complimented on his sermons. In response to the viewership of the recorded services - there were about 40 on a normal Sunday and about 100 at Easter, it was reported. The meeting closed in prayer.

Following the EGV, the members of the Select Vestry remained on and the following were re-elected - John Lougheed as Hon. Secretary and Gordon Bass as Hon. Treasurer.

Comments On Celbridge & Straffan 2021 Audited Accounts

Following my presentation of the 2021 Accounts to our Easter General Vestry (EGV), it was suggested that some Parishioners not present at the EGV, might be interested in hearing some of the highlights of the Parish finances. The following comments may be helpful. Note - I have rounded-up figs. below for illustration purposes.

102,000 - cost of running the Parish and maintaining all Parish buildings during 2021.

122,000 - total income from all sources.

Of the €122,000, €46,000 was provided directly by Parishioners - eg. through Church Plate collections; weekly Envelope scheme; Bank Standing Orders; lump sum donations.

One-off personal donations for specific purposes provided an additional €7,000.

The remaining balance of the €122,000 came primarily from rental income and income from misc. other sources.

Considering the devastating impact of the Covid pandemic, the generosity of Parishioners in supporting the Parish financially - not only last year but also in 2020 - has been exceptional. Despite our Churches being closed and Parish life being dormant for much of this period, Parish income has been maintained at broadly similar levels to 2019 (pre-Covid).

Tax Refunds: Have you heard about how the Parish can benefit from this Government scheme?

Annual contributions totalling €250 or more from anyone who pays income tax can potentially generate a tax refund for the Parish at no additional cost to the donor.

Contributions up to €249 in total per annum - don’t qualify under the scheme.

Contributions amounting to a total of €250 per annum - Parish potentially receives a tax refund of €112 from the Revenue Commissioner.

Contributions over €250 per annum - Parish potentially receives a pro-rata tax refund.

An interesting example: Someone is giving €20 per month to the Parish - ie. €240 over a year. If that person increases their monthly amount by only €1, their annual contribution is €252 - potentially generating an additional €113 tax refund for the Parish.

I won’t go into the calculations here but if anyone is interested in finding out more about the scheme, or has any concerns about it, please contact me and I will be glad to discuss it with you.

One important point - the scheme is completely confidential. The only personal details required by the Parish is an individual’s PPS number. Also, the person who contributes doesn’t have to do anything. The Parish makes the claim on the donor’s behalf and receives any refund direct from the Revenue Commissioner.

This is an excellent scheme which significantly increases Parish income with NO additional cost to the individual donor. In 2020 we received a total refund of €13,000. Last year’s claim was not finalised by the Revenue Commissioners in time for inclusion in the Accounts - but we have received a refund since year-end.

In summary - running the Parish and maintaining our buildings is costly and it would simply not be possible without Parishioners’ generosity. Rental income is a vitally important income source for us now but it won’t ever replace the need for Parishioner financial support. So, on behalf of the Parish, once again a very big thank you to everyone concerned.

Gordon Bass, Hon. Treasurer.

Easter General Vestry - Newcastle-Lyons

The Easter General Vestry meeting for Newcastle-Lyons was held on Thursday, 5th May in the Church. Rev. Stephen opened the meeting by saying “Friends - it’s good to be back meeting in person”. Before the pandemic we were looking at renewal in our parish and that is something I want to pursue - there are whole areas of ministry where there is a need for us to invest in time, personnel, and training, not least our ministry to younger people but also to the elderly and those in the wider community who are searching for a spiritual home. In the next few weeks, Rev. Stephen will be setting up meetings both physical and virtual to discuss new ways forward, revisiting some of the Vision 2020 material and considering what has changed in the light of our experience in these last 2 years. If anyone wants to be involved in these meetings, please contact Rev. Stephen. Rev. Stephen thanked everyone for their support throughout the year. He paid a particular thanks to Geoffrey McMaster as a valuable colleague in ministry.

Thanks, were also given to our Hon. Secretary, Maggie Harris, Church Wardens - Elizabeth Waldron & Vivien Bond. He also thanked the Glebe Wardens - Willie Harris & Tony Waldron. A special thanks to our Hon. Treasurer Sandra Doble for overseeing our parish finances and for the considerable work involved in the preparation of the annual accounts. Finally, to all vestry members and parishioners for the help and time everyone has contributed to the smooth running of the Parish.

Annual Elections:

Rector’s Church Warden: Vivien Bond

People’s Church Warden: Elizabeth Waldron

Rector’s Glebe Wardens: Willie Harris & Mervyn Eager

People’s Glebe Warden: Tony Waldron

The remaining members of the Select Vestry are:-

Devon Beattie Claire Burke Sandra Doble

Willie Doble Maggie Harris Peter Hildebrand

Andrew Jordan Avril Kerr Michael Spillane

Subsequently Sandra Doble & Maggie Harris were elected as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.

Chuckle Time

Cyril was visiting a church for the first time, when he came across an old photo of some men in uniform. He asked the churchwarden who all the men were in the picture, and the churchwarden replied that they were pictures of men who had died in the services. Cyril asked “Was that the morning or evening service?”

Movement For Good Awards 2022

Nominations are open for Ecclesiastical’s Movement for Good Awards. They are giving away €1,000 to charities - the first 250 winners will be announced in June, a further 250 winners will be announced in September. Winners will be drawn at random and the more times a charity is nominated the more chance it has of being selected. Anyone can nominate a registered charity. www.movementforgood.com.

Zoom Midweek Coffee Meeting Evenings & WhatsApp Group

Zoom chats continue on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. If you want to be added to the link - contact our Rector. New participants are always welcome. The parish WhatsApp group continues to be a useful networking and contact point for parishioners/friends.

Craft & Chat, Whist Drives, Time Of Prayer For Healing

Details for Craft & Chat returning to the Slip Hall have not yet been confirmed, but it is hoped to welcome crafters back soon! Whist drives and time of prayer for healing service will return in the autumn.

Thursdays In Black Campaign

The Dublin & Glendalough Council for Mission launched the above. In every country, gender-based violence is a tragic reality. This violence is frequently hidden, and victims are often silent, fearing stigma and further violence. Everyone has a responsibility to speak out against violence, to ensure that women and men, boys and girls, are safe from rape and violence in homes, schools, work, streets - in all places in our societies. The campaign is simple but profound: Wear black on Thursdays. In this campaign Black is used a a colour of resistance and resilience. If black is not always suitable, wear a badge to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others to join you. Badges were distributed by Geoffrey McMaster when he spoke about the campaign at the United Service in Straffan on 29th May. Thanks to those who provided refreshments after the service.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, those who have lost their livelihood, those bereaved and all front line staff who continue to care for those affected by Covid-19 and especially for the citizens of Ukraine both here and in their own country. We pray for all those who have sat their exams this month, that they may be able to relax as they await the results!

Church Services

Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

5th 31/07/2022 United Service. 11.30 a.m. Celbridge

Calendar Of Events


Sun 19 Fathers Day.

Commissioning of Dee Huddleston. 3.30 p.m.

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin.

Thu 23 School end of year Service. 11.00 a.m.

Christ Church, Celbridge.

Sat 25 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


Sat 9 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sat 23 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sun 31 United Service. 11.30 a.m. Celbridge.


Sat 13 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sat 27 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Mon 29 Closing date for the next issue of CSNL NEWS.


Sat 10 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sat 17 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Whos Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com stephen.neill@gmail.com

Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org &

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org

My God shall supply all your need - Philippians 4:19

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