Tuesday 3 May 2022

CSNL News May June 2022


Issue 71 CSNL NEWS May/June, 2022

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

As we move through the Easter season towards Pentecost we are in one of those in-between times - Our Gospel readings are all about Jesus appearing to the Disciples in various settings after the Resurrection - brief glimpses of the risen but not yet ascended Lord, whether in a locked room, on the Emmaus road, at a Barbeque on the beach he appears to reassure his followers that all is well and encourages them to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit. But he doesnt dwell with them as he had before his death and they have to content themselves with these fleeting moments. This is no doubt a disappointment to some who when they heard of his Resurrection thought things were going to be like they used to be - Jesus was back and he would look after them and keep them out of harms way.

The reality was that while Jesus would not abandon them his ongoing presence would largely be in the form of the Holy Spirit which came to Pentecost and marked the birth of the Church - They would have to have faith in that presence even if it was not so visible and physically apparent. However that did not mean it was not real but still many of them and indeed we today struggle with that - We want certainty and proof and we want to know in black and white terms what our faith is all about. I was reminded this week in a post by the contemporary theologian Philip Yancey of the very wise words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer the martyred pastor who died in the 2nd World War: What a mistake to think that it is the task of theology to unravel Gods mystery, to bring it down to the flat, ordinary human wisdom of experience and reason! It is the task of theology solely to preserve Gods wonder as wonder, to understand, to defend, to glorify Gods

mystery as mystery. In difficult times like these in our world when so many of our certainties are challenged it is perhaps appropriate to dig deeper and enter into the mystery of our faith - not simply to seek answers but to fall back into the arms of a loving God who is always present to us and will never abandon us.

May your faith be a blessing to you and all those who you love and cherish.

Yours Stephen

Confirmation - Pentecost Sunday, 5th June, 2022

The service will take place at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin at 3.30 p.m. Please remember the candidates in your prayers - Alice Stevens, Sophie Stevens, Charlie Kavanagh-Doyle, Ava Fairbrother Blanc, Adam Morrissey, Lucy Weir, Arthur Hollingshead, Heaven Anasozie, Ewan McKenna & Evan Finnerty.

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

5th 29/05/2022 United Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Straffan.

On 1st May in Christ Church Celbridge, we welcome Jess Chrissy OHare, daughter of Gordon & Jay of Rathcoffey for her baptism. Her Godparents are Joanne Biggerstaff & Ross Quinn. We wish Jess Chrissy every blessing in her journey in life and faith.

Chuckle Time

Vicar: Name of this child. Young Mother: Alpha Omega.

Vicar: I cant baptise the child with those names, they are inappropriate. Young Mother: Not at all. Hes the first and whats more hell be the last!

Zoom Midweek Coffee Meeting Evenings & WhatsApp Group

Zoom chats continue on Wednesday evenings. New participants are always welcome. The parish WhatsApp group continues to be a useful networking and contact point for parishioners/friends and it will be one of the few Covid measures that will not be done away with.

Craft & Chat, Whist Drives, Time Of Prayer For Healing

Details for Craft & Chat returning to the Slip Hall have not yet been confirmed, but it is hoped to welcome crafters back soon! Whist Drives will probably not return until the Autumn. Our Rector plans to resume the Wednesday morning services in the Autumn also.

Straffan Market & Car Boot Sale

The first of these was due to begin yesterday - 30th April. The dates for our 2022 Community Event are:-

14th & 28th May 11th & 25th June 9th & 23rd July 13th & 27th August

10th & 17th September

.. a total of 11 events for 2022. We will be back at full strength with the tea stall and full site capacity with a maximum of 75 stalls. The Tea Stall will be up and running again. This is very popular with everyone .. visitors, stall holders, passers by .. for €3 .. a coffee/tea+scone/cake/flapjack .. a bargain!! Entry is only by confirmed booking and the fee is €15 to be paid at the gate. Gates open to the Sellers at 8.00 a.m. for setting up. Gates open to the Public at 9.00 a.m. The Stalls close at 12.30 p.m., and the church gates are closed by 1.00 p.m. Bookings are by TEXT ONLY at 087-2797200. Calls can not be answered. If you would like to contribute or volunteer with the Straffan Market & Car Boot or help with the duty rostering, don’t hesitate to give Jos Evertsen a call or a text at 087-2491985. Thanks for your help and support, you will be very welcome.

Christian Aid Week - 15th - 21st May

Join this May and take part in our 300,000 steps challenge! Every step you take could help restore justice to our world. Our challenge is a great way to get fit and do good. You can tackle the challenge as a group, church or family. Sign up at www.caweek.ie/300Ksteps.

Church Of Ireland Bishops Appeal Responds To Ukraine Crisis

The appeal immediately released 20,000 to assist with the humanitarian response in partnering with Habitat for Humanity Ireland & Christian Aid. Archbishop Michael Jackson said The developing and declining situation in Ukraine has already had devastating consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. Prayerful assistance and practical assistance are both important components of our response. I commend the current initiative by Bishops Appeal. For 18 Christian Aid can provide a child with a comfort kit, 56 can provide an emergency kit for one family, 102 can provide people with temporary shelter. www.bishopsappeal.ireland.anglican.org/give

Lent, Holy Week & Easter

Mothering Sunday was celebrated in all three churches in spite of 5K & 10K walks in Straffan! Thanks to all who took part in the narration on Palm Sunday in the three churches. There was a Late Evening Office service in St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons on Spy Wednesday. On Maundy Thursday Holy Communion was celebrated prior to the Stripping of the Altar in Straffan Church, when the church was prepared for the Good Friday Way of the Cross walk the following morning. Walks took place in Newcastle-Lyons, Straffan & Celbridge on Good Friday morning. The Lighting of the Easter Fire took place at Straffan Church on Holy Saturday - Easter Eve - with the lighting of the Easter Candle and the renewal of Baptismal Vows. There was a service of Holy Communion in Christ Church, Celbridge at 11.30 p.m. A large number took part in the ecumenical dawn celebration of the Resurrection at the gates of Castletown, Celbridge at 5.45 a.m., followed by refreshments in the Slip Hall. Holy Communion was celebrated in all three churches on Easter Sunday again with the renewal of baptismal vows. Thanks to everybody who

helped with readings, provided the music, cleaned and decorated the churches and maintained the church grounds as well as refreshments at the Slip Hall. It was wonderful to be able to get together during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday after three years. The birds joined in the services on Easter Eve and Sunrise! Thanks to our Rector for all the services - a change from preaching from an empty church during the last two years and lockdowns.

Tony Waldron reports that on Good Friday, parishioners from both Christian Churches in Newcastle-Lyons came together to commemorate the Crucifixion of Jesus. The service commenced in St. Finians Church of Ireland with hymns and readings from Scripture by members of both churches. This was followed by a procession to St. Finians Roman Catholic Church, a short distance away. The carrying of the Cross was shared by parishioners from both Churches at different stages during the procession. Once the participants had taken their seats in the Roman Catholic Church there were more hymns and Scripture readings by members of both congregations. The weather was dry and fine and there were approximately 50 who participated. It was great again to see Christians from both Churches worshipping together. Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster who organised it on the Church of Ireland side and to Bridget Breen who organised it for the Roman Catholic Church. Thanks to Tony for the photos.


The funeral of John Rogers was held on 23rd March in Christ Church, Celbridge, followed by burial in Donacomper Cemetery, Celbridge. He died suddenly at home in Dalkey and is mourned by his wife Mary and children, Dolly, Darby & Sonja and mother Sonia. He was son of the late Captain Tim Rogers. We sympathise also with Dallas Camier on the death of his brother-in-law, whose funeral took place in Cork and with Adrian & June Empey on the unexpected death at home of Junes brother, Malcolm McCarthy. His funeral took place privately at St. Marys Cathedral, Limerick. Deepest sympathy also to Elizabeth Burbridge Waldron and her brother John on the death of Johns beloved partner Gerald (Ger) Franck of Clontarf. We had been praying for Ger for some time and will continue to pray for his family and friends who miss him dearly. May all rest in peace and rise in glory.

Thursdays In Black Campaign

The Dublin & Glendalough Council for Mission is planning to promote the above within the United Dioceses. In every country, gender-based violence is a tragic reality. This violence is frequently hidden, and victims are often silent, fearing stigma and further violence. Everyone has a responsibility to speak out against violence, to ensure that women and men, boys and girls, are safe from rape and violence in homes, schools, work, streets - in all places in our societies. The campaign is simple but profound: Wear black on Thursdays. In this campaign Black is used a a colour of resistance and resilience. If black is not always suitable, wear a badge to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others to join you. The Council for Mission has invested in 3,000 badges which will br provided to every church in the dioceses. Endorsing the Councils initiative, Archbishop Michael Jackson said it was timely and to be welcomed. Awareness creates understanding and understanding creates a platform for respect and for addressing intimidation and violence against women.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, those who have lost their livelihood due to Covid-19, those bereaved and all front line staff who continue to care for those affected by Covid-19 and especially for the citizens of Ukraine.

From The Editor

The summer edition of CSNL NEWS will be out on 19th June and will include reports of the Easter General Vestries.

General Synod

The General Synod of the Church of Ireland takes place this year in Belfast from Wednesday, 4th May to Friday, 6th May. Please remember all those taking part and making decisions.

Calendar Of Events


Tue 3 Easter General Vestry - Celbridge & Straffan 8 p.m.

Primrose Hill School.

Wed 4 General Synod commences. Belfast.

Thu 5 Easter General Vestry - Newcastle-Lyons. 8 p.m.

St. Finians Church.

Fri 6 General Synod concludes.

Sat 14 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sun 15 Christian Aid Week commences.

Sat 21 Christian Aid Week concludes.

Thu 26 Ascension Day

Sat 28 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sun 29 United Service. 11 a.m. Straffan.


Sun 5 Pentecost.

Confirmation. Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin.

Sat 11 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Mon 13 Closing date for July/August edition of CSNL NEWS.

Sun 19 Fathers Day.

Sat 25 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Whos Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com stephen.neill@gmail.com

Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org &

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org

Easter General Vestries

Tuesday 3rd May. Primrose Hill School. 8 p.m.

Thursday, 5th May. St. Finians Church. 8 p.m.

All are welcome but only those on the register can vote or be elected!

My God shall supply all your need - Philippians 4:19

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