Monday 6 September 2021

CSNL News Sept/Oct 2021

 Thanks to Lilian Webb for her ongoing work as Editor:

Issue 67 CSNL NEWS September/October, 2021

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

As I write these notes we are awaiting the imminent announcement of the ending of all Covid restrictions. It has been a very long 18 months and it has taken its toll in so many ways on our lives. But now is a time to look forward and to dare to hope for better days and I for one long for those days. In the Churchs year we are entering the season of Harvest Thanksgiving when we thank God primarily for the fruit of the land but also for the fruits of our lives and the blessings we too often take for granted.

Last year in the midst of the pandemic we did not have any Harvest Thanksgiving Services either virtual or real in this parish. In hindsight that was perhaps a mistake because thanksgiving is even more important in difficult and challenging circumstances because thanksgiving lifts us beyond our present situation and helps us to see the bigger picture, to see how God is acting in our lives even when it is not immediately obvious.

We all experienced that presence of God and very often it was through the kindness of others, perhaps even the kindness of strangers and perhaps it was just enough to help us through - to get to the other side. Let us be truly thankful this Harvest for Gods Love and Mercy in our lives and for the opportunity to live life to the full once again. Perhaps we will have a deeper and lasting appreciation of the simple and small everyday blessings that helped us through the darkness and into the light. I wish you all a fruitful Harvest and may God give us all thankful hearts.

Yours Stephen

Services - normal pattern now that we are back to public worship

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

Oct. 31st United Service - 11.30 a.m. Straffan.

Note 1: There may be variations on major feast days.

Note 2: At the request of some parishioners we are having an occasional service from the BCP Rite 1/Traditional (as announced).

Primrose Hill National School

School re-opened on 30th August. Welcome to all the new pupils and we look forward to a year without disruptions and hopefully a return to normal conditions. Best wishes to all those who have started in secondary schools and colleges and those who await results.

Purple Llama Market

The market is held in the grounds of Christ Church, Celbridge from 11 a.m., to 4 p.m., with a variety of crafts and coffee each Sunday.


It is hoped to have confirmation next Spring - date to be confirmed.


To everyone who has maintained the church grounds of the three churches over the summer - many thanks. Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster who took the services on Sunday, 11th July and also in Newcastle & Celbridge when our Rector was on holidays in August and to Dee Huddleston who took the services in Straffan.

Zoom Midweek Coffee Meeting Evenings

These are suspended for the moment but in the winter may restart.

Slip Halls

The Hall is gradually becoming busier and we hope with the relaxing of restrictions all our usual groups will be able to return by mid-October.


We welcome James Pasley as a member of the organist team and his daughter, Rebecca, as a soloist.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services & Pet Blessing Service

Harvest Thanksgiving Services will go ahead this year - dates are to be confirmed. It is also hoped to have a Pet Blessing Service in Celbridge at 3 p.m., on Sunday, 3rd October.

Team Hope Christmas Shoe Box Appeal - Claire Burke

We are delighted to say that the appeal is planned to be up and running again this winter. If you would like to be involved there are two ways:

1. Fillers: We had all our fillers shipped to Romania last winter to have shoeboxes made up there and of course, with Covid-19 restrictions we have not been able to run any fundraising events or get to the shops/warehouses/charity shops as easily and so we are very much in need of fillers - namely things to write with, wash, wear and wow (toys and sweets). These do not have to be new just in good condition. So, if you are sorting through childrens clothes, toys or school items, or if you are good at knitting or seeking out bargains/free stuff please keep us in mind. Also we are always looking fore empty shoeboxes.

2. Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer in the sort centre, please contact me between now and early November.

Chuckle Time

Matthew came home from the church youth club and said Dad, Ive got a part in the play. What is it? his Dad asked. I play a man whos been married for 20 years. Never mind, said his father. Next time you may get a speaking part.

WhatsApp Group

The WhatsApp group which has reached 100 members continues to be a very lively forum of the sacred and the sublime with a good smattering of satire thrown in.

Straffan Car Boot Sale Event Report By Jos Evertsen

After considerable deliberation and with great support from the Car Boot Team, the Straffan Car Boot started up again on the 21st August with a limited number of events for 2021 to follow. A cautious and conservative approach has been taken in running these events. Only 38 instead of 70+ stalls are available, stalls were increased from 3 to 4 Metres in width, all staff and sellers are temperature checked at the gate and masks are worn by all. Hand sanitiser is distributed to all visitors and unfortunately there is no tea stall. The emphasis of the four events for 2021 was on opening up the community again, rather than its traditional fundraising.

The last car boot was in October, 2019, with no event during the Covid restrictions in 2020. The absence of this community event was very often commented on, both locally and through enquiries from potential car booters. When the Covid restrictions permitted the limited opening up of outdoor events it was decided to help reinvigorate the local community spirit by running a smaller sized event and a limited number for 2021. The support for a restart was met with great enthusiasm by both the Car Boot Team and the local community, bringing a smile on many faces.

The first event on 21st August was slightly dampened by a drizzly start, but fortunately cleared very quickly. The vibrant atmosphere and the mood of the Team volunteers, the local community and the booters was quite remarkable. The chat and reacquainting was great, despite not having a tea stall for the current boot events. Some of the remarks that were overheard were ..its great to be back again and to see and to be able to talk to people …”this is what life is about, meeting, talking, catching up …”this is not only about the Straffan community, over the many years here, we have built up our own car boot community as well and we have extended our circle of friends.

With the appreciation that was expressed by many, the safe and cautious restart has proven to be a success. Whilst at this point we may be looking at a full reopening of the country by the end of October, let us remain cautious and aware that all is not over yet as far as the Covid situation is concerned. With continued care and respect for each other, we can hopefully look forward to a renewed start of the Straffan Car Boot in 2022.

The dates for the remaining Straffan Car Boots are 18th September and 2nd October. Bookings for these dates start on 11th & 25th September respectively. Only 38 places are available. The second one was due to be held on 4th September.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes especially during the pandemic, those who care for them, those who have lost their livelihood due to Covid-19, those who were isolated in their homes not able to see/visit friends and loved ones, those bereaved, all front line staff, all those in government and the HSE who have decisions to make, those producing and administering the vaccine so that we can have more freedom, yet still abide by all the rules.

From The Editor

It was great to be back distributing the newsletter at each of the three churches on Saturday, 20th June - the first time that I had done so since March, 2020! I hardly recognised Newcastle with the growth in housing and new buildings. The closing date for the next Issue of CSNL NEWS will be Monday, 1st November.

Calendar Of Events


Sat 18 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 10 a.m., to 1.00 p.m.

Thu 30 General Synod commences.


Sat 2 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 10a.m., to 1.00 p.m.

General Synod concludes.

Sun 3 Pet Blessing Service. Celbridge. 3 p.m. (to be


Sun 31 United Service. Straffan. 11.30 a.m.


Mon 1 Closing date for next issue of CSNL NEWS

A Welcoming Church

- a resource for churches to better support people with disabilities.

The Church of Ireland Youth Department, in collaboration with Dublin & Glendalough Youth Officer, Susie Keegan and the Disablity Advisor with the Diocese of Leeds, Katherine-Alice Grasham, has produced a new resource pack - entitled A Welcoming Church. Clergy, staff and volunteers are encouraged to visit and find out more. The 14 page resource includes general tips on what to do to help welcome people with disabilities and suggestions (also provided as A4 posters) for how a parish can be a welcoming church for people who may have one or more of the following particular disabilities:


Hearing impairment or deafness.

Visual impairment or blindness.

Autism, neurodiversity and cognitive disorders.

Mobility difficulties or who are using a wheelchair.

Anxiety and mental illness.


Asthma and allergies.

Chronic pain or illness.

The resource was made by disabled people in consultation with disabled people, and was born out of discussions at disability awareness training between childrens and youth officers who have a passion for disability inclusion within the Church.

General Synod 2021

The 52nd General Synod commences on September, 30th and concludes on Saturday, 2nd October - this year via electronic communication technology. The Representative Church Body report notes that total funds available increased by 5 million in 2020 and expenditure from General Funds decreased by 100,000. The Standing Committee established a new Board for Ministry with Children and Families and (jointly with the RCB) a working group concerning a co-ordinated response by the Church to historic institutional abuse. Various other reports will be presented. Triennial elections will also take place for the roles of Honorary Secretaries, and memberships of various committees.

A Bill will be presented with a view to setting out the principles upon which clerical and lay members of General Synod represent dioceses, and to establish a regular review of the size, distribution and membership of the House of Representatives of the General Synod. The Bill provided for a reduction in the membership of the House of Representatives from 648 to 597 members (in a transitional period covering 2024-2026) and 534 members (in the 2027-2032 triennium) - the number of representatives from each diocese being equal to the number of cures in the diocese, with an additional number of places allocated in a sliding scale (i.e. from 1 for the diocese with the largest number of cures, to 12 for the diocese with the smallest number of cures).

The Committee on Ministry will present 3 Bills, regarding: gender balance amongst parochial nominators, conflicts of interests or loyalty for diocesan lay nominators; and, in relation to nominations to an incumbency, timely communication both to the nominee and to those who have not been nominated. The first of these Bills will seek to ensure that those who act as parochial nominators at a time of vacancy have within their ranks a measure of gender balance, and thus assist in representing the demographic of the parish or group of parishes. The second Bill would provide that no person shall act, or be capable of acting, as a diocesan nominator with respect to any parish of which such person shall be at the time a registered vestry member. The third Bill seeks to ensure that clergy who are nominated to a parish (or parishes) are informed promptly, and to allow an element of flexibility for the bishop giving that person time to reach a decision, whilst at the same time ensuring that the Board of Nomination acts in an efficient and a timely fashion. Please remember all General Synodspersons in your prayers.

Whos Who In The Parish

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

Keep up to date on & &

NON Going Events!

Craft & Chat/ Time Of Prayer For Healing & Whist Drives. With the Governments announcement on 31st August, these could change into ON Going Events! We will keep you informed.

Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.

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