Saturday 29 August 2020



Issue 61 CSNL NEWS September/October, 2020

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

Well - its not over yet - just when we thought the last of the Covid restrictions were going to be lifted we find ourselves going backwards and we in County Kildare back in lockdown. There is no point pretending it is not upsetting and disheartening, never mind the genuine hardship for those in the business sectors most affected, especially the hospitality sector. I think we should pray for one another at this time and especially for those whether employers or employees facing into an uncertain and challenging future. Let us also pray for our schools, for pupils, staff, teachers and parents who are anxious about the challenges that will be faced in the school setting. Let us pray too for those who continue to suffer the restrictions around significant life events such as weddings and funerals and for all who bear this additional pain.

2020 is a year many of us will want to put behind us and yet the challenges we have faced together have perhaps given us a fresh perspective on what and who really matters in our lives - it has also created a stronger sense of community and perhaps painful and all as it is we will come out the other side a kinder, more generous and more responsible society. Not that it is all rosy in the garden - the political shenanigans of recent weeks have taught us one thing and that is that we cannot assume that those in positions of leadership will do the right thing and that we all need to look after each other and play an active part in creating a world where we live for one another and not for ourselves - funnily enough a wandering Jewish teacher said something similar 2000 years ago!

Every blessing. Stephen

Services - September/October - (subject to change due to Covid 19)

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

For humans and pets, note that (dependent on Covid restrictions) it is hoped to have a service outside on Sunday, 4th October, which is appropriately St. Francis Day!

Ongoing Events

Craft & Chat/ Time Of Prayer For Healing & Whist Drives will not resume until the Pandemic is considerably less of a threat.

Baptisms & Weddings

There have been no baptisms. A number of weddings were cancelled but there is one coming up - Samantha Geoghegan of Christ Church, Celbridge parish will be married to Lee Farrand in Christ Church, Celbridge on 19th September. We wish them every blessing in their lives together.


White, Matilda Elizabeth (Tilly) (nee Beattie), 15th August in her 94th year. Beloved wife of the late Robert James White. Sadly missed by her daughters Noelle & Hazel, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, brothers John & Ken, sister Alice, sisters-in-law Mary, Betty, Marion, Evie & Evelyn and her extended family and friends. The service was held in Kells Presbyterian Church on 17th August followed by burial in St. Columbas Church of Ireland graveyard, Kells.

Jim Shattock, late of Morrell Farm, Straffan & Drimnagh, died on 18th August and Rev. Stephen conducted the funeral service on 20th August in the Victorian Chapel Mount Jerome. He will be sadly missed by his loving wife Adele, son Jamie, brother, sister, nephews, nieces, relatives (including Denis Shattock & Bishop Ken Kearon) and friends. We remember all those who mourn - may God comfort them.

Heritage Week

Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster who prepared a short history of St. Finians Church, Newcastle and Anne & Bill Nicholson who created a website to make Christ Church, Celbridge available to view during Heritage Week. The photography was provided by Dallas Camier & Rev. Stephen Neill, with the research by Anne Nicholson and the website by Bill Nicholson and also included are audio visuals of interest to the area by Dallas Camier & Celbridge Camera Club.

Organisation Focus - CRiTiCall

This is a new organisation which has been set up in the last few months to collect essential household items for families exiting domestic abuse situations. A local branch was set up in Celbridge in July by Kelly Bermingham, who lives in Celbridge supported by Dee Huddleston, Valerie Denner & Linda Halnon from our parish. There are a number of other local volunteers and a community guard involved on the team too. Collections are taken at the Slip Hall on the first Saturday of each month between 10 a.m., and 12 noon. Their first two collection days (in July & August) were very generously supported by many members of the parish. They are grateful for all donations given. These are brought to local refuges on the day and are distributed as needed. The next collection day is Saturday, 5th September. All types of goods are acceptable - crockery, towels, toys, games, bedding etc. If you would like further details of what to donate or would like to volunteer to help sort the items donated, please contact Dee at 086-8252455. Thanks again for all the support received.

Straffan Car Boot Sales Report By Jos Evertsen

Due to Covid restrictions and lockdowns, it has been decided to cancel all car boot events for the remainder of this season. Hopefully by next spring we may find ourselves in a more positive environment and hope to start up again by the end of April/beginning of May. Whilst the social aspect of the car boot event was greatly missed due to the Covid lockdown it has also been a great loss as a source of income, something suffered by many other businesses. Normally the car boot events would generate between 7,000 - 7,500 a year. Hopefully next year will be better.

Easter General Vestries

The Easter General Vestry for Celbridge & Straffan was held on Thursday, 27th August at 8 p.m., via Zoom. As a Triennial year, there were also elections for Synod members and Nominators.

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer especially remembering those who were sick and those bereaved. Parishioners from both ends of the parish took part via Zoom. Rev. Stephen welcomed all and remarked on the circumstances that Covid-19 had brought on the parish with the children from Primrose Hill School returning to school that day. He thanked all those who had served on the Select Vestry especially John Lougheed as Honorary Secretary for his preparation for the meeting and all his administration and Gordon Bass for the increasingly demanding job of managing the finances as Honorary Treasurer. He also thanked Church & Glebe Wardens, Jos Evertsen in heading up the overseeing of the Slip Hall Complex and handing it over to Bill Nicholson. Jackie Taylor was thanked as Lay Minister, our organists and Caroline Flood, School Principal. Gordon presented a very detailed account of the parish finances and answered any queries that arose. It was agreed to send a letter to the parishioners shortly to make them aware of the parish finances. The elections duly took place and the following were elected.

Rectors Church Wardens: Celbridge Paula Howard

Straffan Shirley Dunlop

Peoples Church Wardens: Celbridge Bill Nicholson

Straffan Dee Huddleston

Rectors Glebe Warden: Celbridge & Straffan Ken Denner

Peoples Glebe Warden: Celbridge & Straffan TBA

The remaining members of the Select Vestry are:-

Gordon Bass Caroline Cummins Linda Daly

Jos Evertsen Tom Hardy John Lougheed

Liam Gately

There are still a couple of vacancies on the Select Vestry.

Then followed the Triennial elections:

Parochial Nominators: Bill Nicholson Paula Howard

Supplemental Parochial Nominators:

Tom Watkins Jos Evertsen

Diocesan Synods Persons: Tom Hardy Robert Moody

Supplemental Diocesan Synodspersons;

Tom Watkins John Lougheed

At a short meeting afterwards, John Lougheed & Gordon Bass were confirmed respectively as Secretary & Treasurer unopposed!

The Easter General Vestry for Newcastle-Lyons is due to be held in St. Finians Church on Thursday, 3rd September at 8 p.m.


Parishioners were delighted to worship, if socially distancing, in all three churches for 4 Sundays in July and 1 in August. Thanks to our Rector who then continued when Kildare was in lockdown to have a service in St. Finians and broadcast this to parishioners on the internet. Thanks to Geoffrey McMaster who took services on 2nd August and to those who continue to maintain the grounds of all three churches and set up the churches to abide by Covid-19 guidelines.

Calendar Of Events


Thu 3 Easter General Vestry. 8 p.m.

St. Finians Church/Zoom.

Sat 5 Collection point for CRiTiCall. Slip Hall. 10 a.m., to



Sat 3 Collection point for CRiTiCall. Slip Hall. 10 a.m., to


Sun 4 Provisional date for Pet Blessing Service. St. Francis’



Sun 1 All Saints Day.

Mon 2 Closing date for material for next issue of CSNL

NEWS - to be in churches on 8th November.

Search For Christmas Miscellany Robes!

All 30 Miscellany Robes have now been gathered in and 27 are being stored for safekeeping in Straffan Church until the next outing. 3 robes are being looked after in their homes! Some collars are still outstanding but it is unlikely they will turn up at this stage. However, they can be made quite easily if needed in the future. Thank you to all who engaged in the search. Dorothy Evertsen

Bishops Appeal Response To Beirut Explosion

On 4th August, a massive explosion ripped through Beirut, killing 157 people, injuring 5,000, damaging 50% of the buildings and leaving 300,000 homeless. This comes when the whole country was already on its knees due to its worsening financial crisis in decades and its struggles to contain a rapidly increasing corona virus outbreak. Beiruts hospitals are overwhelmed. Lebanon has taken 1.5 million refugees since war erupted in Syria in 2011. These make up 30% of the countrys population. Bishops Appeal has long supported Christian Aid & Tearfund partners in Beirut and has already funded the provision of emergency supplies and increased food and hygiene parcels for people who were destitute.

Now, as they assess the damage and the needs, Bishops Appeal extends the opportunity to all parishes and individuals who wish to contribute to these vital efforts. Donations can be made online or sent to Bishops Appeal, Beirut Response, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6. We are also asked for our continued prayers for those affected and those trying to bring relief.

The Lower Hall Report By Jos Evertsen

The refurbishment of the Lower Hall was started last January and is now expected to be completed by mid-September. It entailed replacement of the roof timbers, rewiring, new plumbing, heating, insulation, fire alarm, security and WIFI set up. In all it has been modernised. There has been quite a delay due to the Covid lockdown, which caused the refurbishment works to be stopped from mid-March to early July. We now look forward to having it rented out as soon as possible and recover the lost rental income.

Team Hope Shoe Boxes

Unfortunately Team Hope have come to the difficult decision to run the 2020 campaign online only, meaning Team Hope and volunteers will be encouraging people across Ireland to work together, in any way they can, to donate 20 to have shoeboxes made on their behalf. Team Hopes network of local partners in Africa and Eastern Europe will then use this money to purchase items from the 4ws - wear/write/wash/WOW - locally. They will then create the shoebox gifts and deliver them directly into the hands of the children. We would encourage you to keep collecting/making/buying fillers for the shoeboxes as it may be possible for these to still be sent overseas to help make this years shoeboxes and if not we will use them next year when we hope to have a huge shoebox campaign to make up for this year. If anybody has a lot of fillers and would like to leave them in the sort centre, please contact Claire Burke - and she can arrange a time to meet.

Primrose Hill National School Fundraiser To Resurface Play Area

This is being organised by Caroline Flood. The play area where the equipment is based is badly in need of a new surface that is durable through all weathers and is in keeping with the current playground health and safety standards. It is used on a daily basis by all from Junior Infants to 6th Class and enjoyed by all. Although 12 months have been spent in fundraising and the school received a very generous donation from Intel, on August, 12th one third of the amount needed (6,000) was raised. Fundraising events have been lost. In order to hold on to the generous donation, the funding needs to be in place and the surface replaced within a 6 month window. The entire school, community, staff, pupils, parents and the Board of Management are appreciative of your help in reaching their goal.

Plans were put in place so that the school reopened with rearranged classrooms and sanitising stations throughout. In addition teachers and other staff will wear mask/face shields when in proximity to children. Best wishes to all staff and pupils in their new environs.

Chuckle Time - Notice Outside A Local Chapel


Whos Who In The Parish

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

Keep up to date on & &


We remember all those who are sick at this time, at home, in hospital or nursing homes especially with very restricted visiting hours. All those who care for them at home or in hospitals/nursing homes. Those who have lost their livelihood due to Covid-19, those isolated in their homes not able to see/visit friends and loved ones.

2020 - A Fresh Vision

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