Thursday 16 March 2017

Parish Info/Contacts

Welcome to the website for Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons Church of Ireland Parish.

Our facebook page is to be found at:

We are an Anglican/Episcopalian parish which straddles the Co. Kildare and Co. Dublin border. We are close enough to Dublin to be considered part of the commuter belt but also have a large rural constituency within our parish centred on the towns of Celbridge & Straffan in Co. Kildare and Newcastle Co. Dublin

The rector of the parish is Rev'd Stephen Neill and he can be contacted at 087-2328172 or - His postal address is The Rectory, Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, W23K072 , Republic of Ireland

He is assisted by a team of Lay Ministers:
Jackie Taylor 01-6288129 
Cynthia Lang 086-2650742 
Geoffrey McMaster 086-6062910 
Brendan Sheehan 085-7646699

The Parish Select Vestry Secretaries are: 
Celbridge & Straffan: John Lougheed 01-6275245
Newcastle-Lyons: Claire Burke 01-6275227

Parish Newletter Editor: Lilian Webb 045-866160

Safeguarding Trust: Debbie Kelly 087-2327237

Parish Hall Bookings: Linda Daly (Administrator)

Craft & Chat (Rebecca Taylor - evenings) 01-6288429

Church Service times are as follows:
Newcastle - Lyons (St. Finian's): Sundays at 9am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)

Straffan: Sundays at 10.15am (HC 2nd & 4th Sundays)

Celbridge (Christ Church): Sundays at 11.30am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)
and Wednesday mornings at 10am (Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing)

Joint Services on 5th Sundays as announced

Special Services as announced

Location of the Churches:
Postcodes for Churches - Map locations can be accessed via :
Christ Church Celbridge:W23TD37
Straffan Church: W23HC81
St. Finian's Newcastle-Lyons: D22H9P2 (Church is adjacent this property which is The Old Glebe)