A Church of Ireland (Anglican/Episcopalian) Parish in the Diocese of Dublin & Glendalough
Friday, 24 March 2017
Thursday, 23 March 2017
A request for help
Ciaran's cousin is a parishioner in our parish - if you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated - we pray for Ciaran and his family as they work to get him home in terribly difficult circumstances
Monday, 20 March 2017
Mothering Sunday - 26th March 2017
Services in St. Finian's Newcastle - Lyons @ 9am,
Straffan Church @ 10.15
and Christ Church Celbridge @ 11.30
Note: Sunday School at the 11.30 service in Christ Church, Celbridge
Friday, 17 March 2017
Our parish school marching in Celbridge St Patrick's Day Parade
Primrose Hill NS as 'Castletown Gates'
Well done to all the kids and their parents who turned out despite the typical Irish weather
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Extracts from current parish Newsletter - CSNL News
CSNL News March April 2017
From the Rector:
Lent has just begun and in these days of pilgrimage we as Church
accompany Jesus through his own passion, death and ultimately his
Resurrection. It is a story filled with action and tension, as
dramatic and as extraordinary as any thriller you will watch in the
cinema or on your Netflix box. The events of Holy Week are filled with
suspense, fear, pain, terror, surprise, revelation and will culminate
in unspeakable Joy.
So how do we reflect that in our worship? How can we make
our worship more real? One way is to add a little drama and so this
year as part of our Easter ceremonies we will hold a vigil on Holy
Saturday(Easter Eve) in Straffan Church and it will commence with
lighting the Easter fire outside the Church. We do this outside not
only because the insurance company understandably get very anxious
about people lighting fires inside churches, but principally because
the light is a celebration of the light of the Resurrection and with
it new hope and new beginnings and we want to share that light not
keep it to ourselves. (Please pray for good weather). After the fire
is lit the Paschal Candle (Easter Candle) is lit and carried into the
church for the Easter vigil. So why not come along and share in the
drama of our faith.
Many of our own lives are at times filled with drama and as
we all know those times can easily become times of crisis. The Good
News of Easter is that out of the most deep and dire crisis faced by
the first followers of Jesus, his death on the Cross, God was able to
bring about transformation and a new beginning, a new Hope. If you are
going through a tough time at the moment let God share and transform
that burden and let the light of Easter show you a way forward and a
new beginning. I wish you all a Holy Lent and a very Happy and
dramatic Easter.
Yours, Stephen
Services:St Patrick's Day: 11am Christ Church Celbridge (Holy Communion)
Holy Week:Spy Wednesday 8pm St Finian's Newcastle-Lyons
Holy Thursday 8pm Straffan Church HC
Good Friday:
Way of Cross: 10am Straffan Church to St Brigid's Straffan; 12Noon St
Patrick's Celbridge to Christ Church Celbridge ; 12 Noon St Finian's CofI to St Finian's Roman Catholic Church
8pm: Prayers around the Cross in Christ Church Celbridge
Holy Saturday: 9pm Straffan Church - Easter Vigil with lighting of Easter Fire
Easter Day:
6am Dawn Ecumenical Service Castletown Gates (Refreshments
afterwards in Slip Hall)
9am Newcastle Lyons HC
10.15 Straffan HC
11.30 Christ Church CelbridgeHC
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: It was a great pleasure to welcome
fellow Christians from St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Celbridge
and Celbridge Christian Church (Pentecostal) to share with us in
marking the week of Prayer. Fr Brian McKittrick and Pastor Paul Carley
joined the rector in leading the worship and musical accompaniment was
provided by the excellent choir and organist from St Patrick's
Celbridge. All who attended were very moved by the liturgy which this
year came from the churches in Germany.
On Sunday 15th January in Christ Church Celbridge we welcomed
into the family of the Church baby Thomas Robert Stapleton, son of
Robert and Christine and a brother to Molly. We wish Thomas every
blessing in his journey in faith and life.
Confirmation 2017: This year we have a small number for Confirmation,
just two in fact for the parish Confirmation. They are Ruby Tobin and Malachy Mckenna, both of
Celbridge. They are to be confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
on 4th June. We also pray for all those to be confirmed from the parish in King's Hospital School.
We wish them all well in their preparations.
Bereavements: We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to Jackie
Finlay of Christ Church Celbridge whose brother Syndey died on 22nd
January after a short illness. His funeral took place on the 26th
January in St Peter's Church of Ireland, Portlaoise.
Whist Drive
On Friday 17th February we had our second parish whist drive in the
Slip Hall and once again it was very well supported. Beginners mixed
with seasoned professionals to enjoy a great night's cards and a
beautiful supper. Special thanks to Rebecca Taylor and Esther Lougheed
who are the driving force behind this new initiative and also all
those who provided the supper including and especially Linda Daly who
served and tidied up the beautiful spread. Thanks also to those who
donated raffle and spot prizes.
Celbridge/Straffan: 27th April 8pm in the Slip Hall, Celbridge.
Newcastle-Lyons: 3rd May 8pm in St. Finian's Church, Newcastle.
Please note all are welcome to attend these annual meetings!
From the Rector:
Lent has just begun and in these days of pilgrimage we as Church
accompany Jesus through his own passion, death and ultimately his
Resurrection. It is a story filled with action and tension, as
dramatic and as extraordinary as any thriller you will watch in the
cinema or on your Netflix box. The events of Holy Week are filled with
suspense, fear, pain, terror, surprise, revelation and will culminate
in unspeakable Joy.
So how do we reflect that in our worship? How can we make
our worship more real? One way is to add a little drama and so this
year as part of our Easter ceremonies we will hold a vigil on Holy
Saturday(Easter Eve) in Straffan Church and it will commence with
lighting the Easter fire outside the Church. We do this outside not
only because the insurance company understandably get very anxious
about people lighting fires inside churches, but principally because
the light is a celebration of the light of the Resurrection and with
it new hope and new beginnings and we want to share that light not
keep it to ourselves. (Please pray for good weather). After the fire
is lit the Paschal Candle (Easter Candle) is lit and carried into the
church for the Easter vigil. So why not come along and share in the
drama of our faith.
Many of our own lives are at times filled with drama and as
we all know those times can easily become times of crisis. The Good
News of Easter is that out of the most deep and dire crisis faced by
the first followers of Jesus, his death on the Cross, God was able to
bring about transformation and a new beginning, a new Hope. If you are
going through a tough time at the moment let God share and transform
that burden and let the light of Easter show you a way forward and a
new beginning. I wish you all a Holy Lent and a very Happy and
dramatic Easter.
Yours, Stephen
Services:St Patrick's Day: 11am Christ Church Celbridge (Holy Communion)
Holy Week:Spy Wednesday 8pm St Finian's Newcastle-Lyons
Holy Thursday 8pm Straffan Church HC
Good Friday:
Way of Cross: 10am Straffan Church to St Brigid's Straffan; 12Noon St
Patrick's Celbridge to Christ Church Celbridge ; 12 Noon St Finian's CofI to St Finian's Roman Catholic Church
8pm: Prayers around the Cross in Christ Church Celbridge
Holy Saturday: 9pm Straffan Church - Easter Vigil with lighting of Easter Fire
Easter Day:
6am Dawn Ecumenical Service Castletown Gates (Refreshments
afterwards in Slip Hall)
9am Newcastle Lyons HC
10.15 Straffan HC
11.30 Christ Church CelbridgeHC
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: It was a great pleasure to welcome
fellow Christians from St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Celbridge
and Celbridge Christian Church (Pentecostal) to share with us in
marking the week of Prayer. Fr Brian McKittrick and Pastor Paul Carley
joined the rector in leading the worship and musical accompaniment was
provided by the excellent choir and organist from St Patrick's
Celbridge. All who attended were very moved by the liturgy which this
year came from the churches in Germany.
On Sunday 15th January in Christ Church Celbridge we welcomed
into the family of the Church baby Thomas Robert Stapleton, son of
Robert and Christine and a brother to Molly. We wish Thomas every
blessing in his journey in faith and life.
Confirmation 2017: This year we have a small number for Confirmation,
just two in fact for the parish Confirmation. They are Ruby Tobin and Malachy Mckenna, both of
Celbridge. They are to be confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
on 4th June. We also pray for all those to be confirmed from the parish in King's Hospital School.
We wish them all well in their preparations.
Bereavements: We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to Jackie
Finlay of Christ Church Celbridge whose brother Syndey died on 22nd
January after a short illness. His funeral took place on the 26th
January in St Peter's Church of Ireland, Portlaoise.
Whist Drive
On Friday 17th February we had our second parish whist drive in the
Slip Hall and once again it was very well supported. Beginners mixed
with seasoned professionals to enjoy a great night's cards and a
beautiful supper. Special thanks to Rebecca Taylor and Esther Lougheed
who are the driving force behind this new initiative and also all
those who provided the supper including and especially Linda Daly who
served and tidied up the beautiful spread. Thanks also to those who
donated raffle and spot prizes.
Celbridge/Straffan: 27th April 8pm in the Slip Hall, Celbridge.
Newcastle-Lyons: 3rd May 8pm in St. Finian's Church, Newcastle.
Please note all are welcome to attend these annual meetings!

Pilgrim Faith Development Course - The Commandments
Commencing Thursday 16th March
@ 8pm in Primrose Hill School, Celbridge
Note - Not meeting next week - next session will be announced here
St. Patrick's Day 2017
A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated in Christ Church, Celbridge at 11am on Friday 17th March to commemorate the feast day of our Patron Saint. All are welcome!
Church Services
Church Service times are as follows:
Newcastle - Lyons (St. Finian's) Sundays at 9am
Straffan Sundays at 10.15am
Celbridge (Christ Church) Sundays at 11.30am
and Wednesday mornings at 10am (Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing)
Special Services as announced
Newcastle - Lyons (St. Finian's) Sundays at 9am
Straffan Sundays at 10.15am
Celbridge (Christ Church) Sundays at 11.30am
and Wednesday mornings at 10am (Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing)
Special Services as announced
Parish Info/Contacts
Welcome to the website for Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons Church of Ireland Parish.
Our facebook page is to be found at: www.facebook.com/CSNLParish/
We are an Anglican/Episcopalian parish which straddles the Co. Kildare and Co. Dublin border. We are close enough to Dublin to be considered part of the commuter belt but also have a large rural constituency within our parish centred on the towns of Celbridge & Straffan in Co. Kildare and Newcastle Co. Dublin
The rector of the parish is Rev'd Stephen Neill and he can be contacted at 087-2328172 or stephen.neill@gmail.com - His postal address is The Rectory, Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, W23K072 , Republic of Ireland
He is assisted by a team of Lay Ministers:
Jackie Taylor 01-6288129
Cynthia Lang 086-2650742
Geoffrey McMaster 086-6062910
Brendan Sheehan 085-7646699
The Parish Select Vestry Secretaries are:
Celbridge & Straffan: John Lougheed 01-6275245
Newcastle-Lyons: Claire Burke 01-6275227
Parish Newletter Editor: Lilian Webb lilianwebb66@gmail.com 045-866160
Safeguarding Trust: Debbie Kelly 087-2327237
Parish Hall Bookings: Linda Daly (Administrator) csnparishhall@gmail.com
Craft & Chat (Rebecca Taylor - evenings) 01-6288429
Church Service times are as follows:
Newcastle - Lyons (St. Finian's): Sundays at 9am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)
Straffan: Sundays at 10.15am (HC 2nd & 4th Sundays)
Celbridge (Christ Church): Sundays at 11.30am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)
and Wednesday mornings at 10am (Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing)
Joint Services on 5th Sundays as announced
Special Services as announced
Location of the Churches:
Postcodes for Churches - Map locations can be accessed via eircode.ie :
Christ Church Celbridge:W23TD37
Straffan Church: W23HC81
St. Finian's Newcastle-Lyons: D22H9P2 (Church is adjacent this property which is The Old Glebe)
Our facebook page is to be found at: www.facebook.com/CSNLParish/
We are an Anglican/Episcopalian parish which straddles the Co. Kildare and Co. Dublin border. We are close enough to Dublin to be considered part of the commuter belt but also have a large rural constituency within our parish centred on the towns of Celbridge & Straffan in Co. Kildare and Newcastle Co. Dublin
The rector of the parish is Rev'd Stephen Neill and he can be contacted at 087-2328172 or stephen.neill@gmail.com - His postal address is The Rectory, Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, W23K072 , Republic of Ireland
He is assisted by a team of Lay Ministers:
Jackie Taylor 01-6288129
Cynthia Lang 086-2650742
Geoffrey McMaster 086-6062910
Brendan Sheehan 085-7646699
The Parish Select Vestry Secretaries are:
Celbridge & Straffan: John Lougheed 01-6275245
Newcastle-Lyons: Claire Burke 01-6275227
Parish Newletter Editor: Lilian Webb lilianwebb66@gmail.com 045-866160
Safeguarding Trust: Debbie Kelly 087-2327237
Parish Hall Bookings: Linda Daly (Administrator) csnparishhall@gmail.com
Craft & Chat (Rebecca Taylor - evenings) 01-6288429
Church Service times are as follows:
Newcastle - Lyons (St. Finian's): Sundays at 9am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)
Straffan: Sundays at 10.15am (HC 2nd & 4th Sundays)
Celbridge (Christ Church): Sundays at 11.30am (HC 1st & 3rd Sundays)
and Wednesday mornings at 10am (Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing)
Joint Services on 5th Sundays as announced
Special Services as announced
Location of the Churches:
Postcodes for Churches - Map locations can be accessed via eircode.ie :
Christ Church Celbridge:W23TD37
Straffan Church: W23HC81
St. Finian's Newcastle-Lyons: D22H9P2 (Church is adjacent this property which is The Old Glebe)
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