Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Ash Wednesday Services


Services tomorrow Ash Wednesday 

Celbridge at 11am 

(with the children from Primrose Hill School) 

Straffan at 7pm 

Both services of Holy Communion

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

CSNL News - January - February 2025


Issue 87 CSNL NEWS         January/February, 2025

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners


From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

It is probably a little late at this point to wish you a Happy New Year but I do so regardless and pray that for all of us 2025 will bring goodness and good health.  New Year is a time to reorient

ourselves and as Christians we are still observing the season of Epiphany which encourages us to look at the World in expectation of seeing signs of the wonderful presence of God in our lives The Wise Men may have gone on their way home but this is a still a World filled with possibility, light and Hope. Amidst all the challenges on the international stage and in our own lives may we look for and discern those signs of Gods presence and allow them to change both us and the reality of our World for the better.


Yours                                                                                                               Stephen


Straffan Sunday Services Live Streamed

https://www.churchmedia.tv/straffon-church-of-ireland and www.facebook.com/CSNLParish.


Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m*   Straffan 10.15 a.m.    Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st        Holy Communion  Service of Word       Holy Communion

2nd        Service of Word    Holy Communion     Service of Word

3rd        Holy Communion  Morning Prayer        Holy Communion

4th        Morning Prayer      Holy Communion    Morning Prayer


*Services will continue in Newcastle at 10 a.m., on the 1st Sunday as a permanent change in the Sunday timetable.


Chuckle Time

Notice seen in a church newsletter: Womens group sale of unwanted items - please feel free to bring your husbands.


Visit Of Archbishop Michael Jackson

The Archbishop paid us a surprise visit on Sunday, 17th November and preached at all services that morning.  It was a great pleasure to have him with us for the morning and he really enjoyed his visit and wrote to our Rector afterwards to thank everyone for the warm welcome he received in all our churches.


Message For The New Year

Dee Huddleston in her sermon on the visit of the Magi, worked out that it would have been about 1,040 kms., and taken about 3 - 4 months.  As she had ridden on a camel, it would not have been a comfortable journey - but one of faith, worship and obedience.  No Sat-Nav - just following a star, which stopped over the place where Jesus was born.  They came to pay homage to worship the King of the Jews and offer gifts  Gold - a precious substance - fit for a King.  Frankincense - used in medicine still today - fit for a priest and a healer.  Myrrh - a prophetic gift - to prepare for His death and burial.  Prophet, Priest & King.  The Magi would never be the same again and had to return by a different route.  Different people by a different route.  2025 - we are all on a journey - nobody knows what is ahead - but we have Jesus with us along side.  Dee ended with the words of Minnie Louise Haskins, used by King George VI in 1939 -  Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.  That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.  So, I went forth, and finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night.  And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.


Dublin & Glendalough Magazine - The Church Review

Subscriptions of 45 were due on 1st January - thanks to Elizabeth Waldron (Newcastle-Lyons), Debbie Kelly (Straffan) & Ken Denner (Celbridge) for distributing and to whom subscriptions should be paid. If you do not already receive the bumper packed magazine and would like to do so, please contact the above.


World Day Of Prayer - Friday, 7th March, 2025

This year the service will be in St. Brigids Roman Catholic Church, Straffan at 8 p.m., and is written by the women of The Cook Islands.  All are welcome - men, women and young people!


On Going Events

Craft & Chat:  The Group resumes after the Christmas break and welcome all for crafting, chatting and refreshments each Tuesday in the Slip Hall at 2.30 p.m. 


Wednesday Night Prayers:  From 8 p.m., to 9 p.m.  At present, they are held in the home of Tony & Elizabeth Waldron in Newcastle.  If anybody would like details they can contact Rev. Stephen or Dee Huddleston.  Everyone is very welcome to come along or to let them know if there is something they would like them to pray about. 


Saturday Night Services:  No dates at present.


Whist Drives:  Come along for great fun, prizes and a tasty supper on the last Fridays of the month at 8 p.m., in the Slip Hall.  Thanks to all who organised and provided refreshments and raffle prizes for the drive on 29th November, with lots of festive fun!  The next dates are Friday, 31st January and Friday, 28th February & 28th March.  New players are always welcome.  Great prizes and a lovely supper guaranteed! 


Register Of Vestry Persons - Note To All Parishioners!

These will be reviewed at the next meetings of the Select Vestries of Celbridge./Straffan and of Newcastle-Lyons.  If you wish your name to go on this register there will be forms in the churches which can be filled out and given to the churchwardens.  Only those who are registered can vote at an Easter General Vestry meeting and thus determine the membership of the Select Vestry for the next year.


Slip Hall

With the closure of the Montessori School there is now some availability for morning hires in the hall.  Please send enquiries to email:csnparishhall@gmail.com.


WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active.  There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.



Our deepest sympathy on the death of Gordon Tracey of Celbridge who died on 30th December after a short but bravely borne illness.  Our prayers are with his wife and best friend of 39 years, Ger, his daughters Rachel, Rebecca, Georgia & Jess, who were his pride and joy and their respective partners, Sindre, son-in-law Tom, Blaine & Caitriona, his beloved grandchildren TJ, Jake & Heather, brother Howard and sister Valerie, mother Lil, mother-in-law Teresa Teesie and his circle of family and friends.  Gordons funeral took place on 7th January at 11 a.m., in Christ Church followed by burial at Donaghcomper cemetery, Celbridge.  Thanks to Rev. Scott Peoples, who took the service due to our Rector being ill at the time.  Our deepest sympathy also on the death of Lord Patrick Thomas Connolly-Carew of Donadea, Kildare, who died on 18th December.  We remember especially in prayer his wife Celia and children Virginia, Nicola, Camilla & William as they mourn his loss.  Patrick was a much loved man who had a particular connection with Christ Church, Celbridge where the family have worshipped for generations.  A private funeral and burial was held in Christ Church, Celbridge.  A Memorial Service will be held at a future date.


Christmas Services

A large congregation attended the first Christmas carol service held in Straffan Church on Sunday, 15th December at 3.00 p.m, involving the Ukrainian community who were one year in the village.  The augmented choir, with Zoe Lipson, as organist and members of the Ukrainian community led the singing with carols in both languages.  The readings were also in Ukrainian and English.  There was a greeting in Ukrainian by Alex at the beginning and a blessing by Maria at the end.  The service was led by Rev. Stephen Neill, who thanked all involved in the service, the beautiful decorations, in Ukrainian colours, readers and all who provided and served the refreshments afterwards.  Most of all, thank you to Jos Evertsen, whose idea it was to have the united service. Our Rector reports the Christmas services were very well supported with the highest turnouts since before Covid which was very encouraging.  Special thanks are due to our wardens, choirs and organists who were especially busy as well as a great team of parish Lay Ministers.  Thanks to all who decorated the churches so beautifully and then took down all the decorations afterwards.


Open & Welcoming Congregations Charter

Both of our Select Vestries recently adopted the Open & Welcoming Congregations Charter and on Sunday, 17th November in Christ Church, Celbridge, it was launched by our Rector and a number of parishioners along with Changing Attitude Chairperson and Celbridge parishioner Mark Bowyer.


Changing Attitude Ireland - Open hearts for an open Church

The Parish of Celbridge and Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons is an Opening and Welcoming Congregation. 


We subscribe to the following six principles, in the belief that the Church is called to welcome all.

We promote trust and understanding amongst heterosexual and LGBTQIA+ PARISHIONERS.

We seek to include LGBTQIA+ people and their families at every level of parish life, welcoming not only their presence but all they have to offer.

We do not make the assumption that everyone is heterosexual: whether

in conversation, preaching, or in the prayers of the Church.

We are candid in our welcome for LGBTQIA+ people and same-sex couples.

We recognise committed same-sex unions at social events, in church services and other aspects of Church life.

We welcome clergy regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

www.changingattitudeireland.com.                                                         October, 2024.

Fundraiser For Gaza

This took place in the Slip Hall on December 6th from 12 p.m., to 7 p.m., with yoga, crafting, making baubles, crackers and Christmas wreaths, teas and cakes.  Also, pre-loved Christmas jumpers, zero waste Maynooth Clothes Rails and consultations with Kilcock Therapy.  This was to raise money for Red Crescent & Palestine Childrens Relief Fund.


Confirmation - Sunday, 8th June - Christ Church Cathedral

Classes will start in February.  Please contact our Rector if interested in being confirmed this year.  The service will be at 3.30 p.m.


Christmas Fair Report By Lucy Jones

The venue was Primrose Hill National School, Celbridge, Straffan and Newcastle-Lyons parishioners got together with our Parish School to create some Christmas Fair magic.  There were goodies, crafts, a raffle and bargains galore!  Adults and kids took advantage of the face painting, elfie-selfie and Christmas games. There was a wonderful buzz all day and a huge amount of fun was had.  At noon, Santa Claus paid a visit to the delight of the children (we are very much hoping he will come back next year, as he was such a success).  Thanks to all the helpers, supporters and families.  It was a wonderful event.  2,348.98 was raised for parish and 2,348.98 for Primrose Hill National School.


From The Editor

Happy New Year to all readers and contributors.  Due to the illness of our Rector, this edition is out one week later than planned.  Thanks to all those who responded to my mentions in the press etc., especially those on WhatsApp as I dont have a smart phone so I couldnt reply.  I was thrilled to win the Christmas Cover Photographic Competition of the Church of Ireland Gazette with a photo of the Grand Canal, near Sallins taken in 2010 to represent The wonder of His works and to win 100 for myself and the parish.  I was also asked by Christian Aid to promote their Christmas Appeal for Sudan and managed to get in The Leinster Leader two weeks in a row on page 4 - as a Naas Woman and a Sallins Pensioner (probably meant Parishioner!) and also got on the Kildare Live News!


Team Hope Shoe Boxes Update By Linda Halnon

A record number of 7085 shoeboxes in total were shipped out on 9th December from the Team Hope Warehouse in Newbridge.  The boxes were shipped to Burundi, East Africa, this year, one of the poorest countries in the world.  This will truly make an enormous difference to each child who receives one.  A huge thank you to everyone who supported Team Hope this year, including the very talented knitters in our parish!  Your support, time offered in volunteering in the warehouse and generous donations are greatly appreciated. 


Ash Wednesday - 5th March

There will be services of Holy Communion in Christ Church, Celbridge at 11 a.m., and in Straffan at 7 p.m.


Concerts In Christ Church, Celbridge

The Evening with Glen Hansard and Special Guest storyteller Martin Shaw at Christ Church Celbridge on 14th December was sold out in 12 hours.  Glen sang a beautiful song he had written for Ukraine together with two Ukrainians. This concert was in Aid of Ukrainian Action Ireland.  Rebecca Storm was in Christ Church on 6th January.  Sandy Kelly & Marc Roberts will perform on Saturday, 8th February, the Ireland Peace Choir on Saturday, 1st March and the UK Drifters will be there on Saturday, 22nd March.  Tickets are on sale on Eventbrite or text Breda 087 9630719. Doors open at 7.30 p.m.



Thanks to those who supported the Poppy Appeal.  2025 is the 100th anniversary of the Legion in the Republic of Ireland.  A special service of Remembrance will be held in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens, Dublin on Saturday, 12th July.  Thanks to Dee Huddleston for taking the service in Straffan on 3rd November, Geoffrey McMaster on 1st December, both Dee & Geoffrey on 29th December and Dee on 5th January in both Straffan & Celbridge when Rev. Stephen was ill.


Calendar Of Events


Jan       1         Subscriptions for Church Review due.

Fri        31        Whist Drive.  Slip Hall, Celbridge.  8 p.m.


Sat       8         Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Fri        28        Whist Drive.  Slip Hall, Celbridge.  8 p.m.


Sat       1         Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Tue      4         Closing date - Issue 88 CSNL NEWS.

Wed     5         Ash Wednesday.. 11 a.m.  Christ Church, Celbridge.

                        7 p.m.  Straffan.

Fri        7         World Day of Prayer.  St. Brigids Church, Straffan.

                        8 p.m.

Sat       22        Concert.  Christ Church, Celbridge.  8 p.m.

Fri        28        Whist Drive.  Slip Hall, Celbridge.  8 p.m.


Sun      8         Confirmation.  Christ Church, Cathedral.  3.30 p.m.


Whos Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org  celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector:  Rev. Stephen Neill                 01-6288231                              087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com                                                          stephen.neill@gmail.com


            Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org & 

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org


Jesus said  I am the way, and the truth and the life ..  John 14:6.