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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Straffan Parishioner leading trip to Zimbabwe with Christian Aid

Prayers and Best wishes to Dee Huddleston of Straffan who next Sunday shares in leading a Christian Aid Delegation to Zimbabwe where with supporters of Christian Aid they will visit with various churches and organisations working on the ground. Dee and her party are leaving Dublin Airport next Sunday lunchtime and travelling to Paris via Aer Lingus (Pray that the strike will not cause issues) and then onwards to Nairobi on an overnight flight with Kenya Airways and again onwards to Harare with Kenya Airways – They have a very busy itinerary including among others the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, projects including, Visiting Sustainable Agriculture Technology (SAT) - Strengthening Household Resilience and Incomes in Mwenezi through Promotion of Sesame (SHRIMPS), a housing project run by the Methodist Development and relief agency which provides houses for people affected by Cyclone Idai. CAZ & MEDRA and supports the most disadvantaged persons e.g the elderly, child headed house hold, people with disability. It is quite a lengthy visit with the party returning on the morning of  Tuesday 16th July into Dublin airport. Please pray for Dee and all who will travel with her and all those they encounter during their visit.


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