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Saturday 22 June 2024



I wrote in the current CSNL News of the need to find new ways to make our WELCOME as a Church more explicit and obvious.  The discussion continued following an excellent presentation by Lucy Jones at last week’s Select Vestry Meeting for Celbridge & Straffan.

One very important concrete step was taken at the meeting in that the Select Vestry signed up as an ‘Open and Welcoming Congregation’ to LGBT+ people and their families. (see details at end of post ***)

It was further suggested that we set up a group to plan strategies and events in our parish that focus on welcoming new people into our church community.

One suggestion in particular was that we should try and have tea and coffee after our services most Sundays and that we provide services that meet the needs of the community in which we find ourselves – children’s church services and perhaps in future a service for those facing exams or indeed a vigil for peace in our world.

These are just a couple of ideas and if you have any others or would like to participate in this initiative please contact me at or 087-2328172 or any of the churchwardens or lay ministers in the parish. This initiative includes all three churches in the parish.

I look forward to hearing from you




Registering as an Open and Welcoming Congregation

It is suggested that congregations and clergy who wish to register with Changing Attitude Ireland as Open and Welcoming to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT+) people and their families should formally agree to do so at a select vestry meeting.

Parishes that register as Open and Welcoming agree to the following:

We promote trust and understanding amongst heterosexual and LGBT+ parishioners.

We seek to include LGBT+ people and their families at every level of parish life, welcoming not only their presence but all they have to offer.

We do not make the assumption that everyone is heterosexual, whether in conversation, preaching, or in the prayers of the church.

We are upfront in our welcome for LGBT+ people and same-sex couples.

We recognise committed same-sex unions at social events, in church services and other aspects of Church life.

We welcome clergy regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Parishes that register with CAI as Open and Welcoming Congregations will be listed as such on the website.


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