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Thursday 8 June 2023

Ministry of Healing Service in Maynooth

“Everyone is warmly invited to attend the Church's Ministry of Healing: Ireland annual Service of Thanksgiving in St Mary’s Church in Maynooth on 11th June at 3pm. This is a beautiful, gentle service. It comes from the Book of Common Prayer, where it is titled “A Celebration of Wholeness and Healing”. Whether you have never heard of CMH:I before or whether you’ve joined our events in person or online, you will be most welcome at this yearly service. This is a chance to be silent before God and to welcome his healing love into our lives. We are delighted to have Mrs Gillian Kingston, of the Methodist Church in Ireland, as our speaker, and the celebrant will be Rev Eugene Griffin, the incumbent of St Mary’s. CMH:I Ministry Leader, Lydia Monds, will lead mindful and healing intercessions. During the service, there will be an opportunity for the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, for those who wish it. However, if you’re not sure about this, please do stay in your seat – the service will be just as meaningful for those who don’t go up, and it’s entirely your choice whether or not you’d like to do so. Our prayer ministers will be available after the service for quiet, personal, prayer, if you’d like to request that for yourself or for someone you know who needs Christ’s healing presence.” 

CMH: I was founded in 1932, and is a Church of Ireland organisation that is dedicated to bringing Christ’s healing & wholeness to all. It is a registered charity.

CMH:I supports all those who are in pain of mind, body, or spirit, and also helps those who minister to them. 


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