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Saturday 1 May 2021

Return to In-Person Worship - 16th May 2021

 Following the Government announcement relaxing restrictions on in-person worship and having consulted both of our parish Select Vestries I am happy to announce that on Sunday 16th May all of our churches will reopen for worship. Covid measures will remain in place until advised otherwise but it will be wonderful to be able to be in each others company as we worship and witness together as a Church family and community.

Some will be aware that I have had reservations about an early return to in-person worship but in the light of the now rapid pace of vaccination I am happy that we can do this in a safe and responsible way. For those who for whatever reason cannot attend there will be a recording of one of the three morning services broadcast on Sunday afternoons. While it will be lovely to see familiar faces please do not feel under any pressure to come back until you are ready to do so. While the Sunday Zoom sessions will cease we will continue our midweek zoom chats (details from Rev Stephen on 0872328172). Hopefully this will be the last re-opening and we can look forward to better days ahead. Rev. Stephen

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