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Wednesday 25 March 2020

Vision 20/20 - Summary of Parish Conversation held on 9th February 2020

The following suggestions arose from a recent parish consultation held in all three churches on Sunday 9th February - While we are all largely housebound perhaps you might think about how you might be able to assist with any of the initiatives or suggest your own ideas.
email Rev Stephen:

·        Make worship more appealing
·       Visit the 'non attenders' on parish list 
·        Signage on road
·        Sunday School
·        WhatsApp / text messaging
·        Biodiversity development in church grounds - Eco/Environmental issues
·        Easter Deadline to make some progress

·   Education and consolidation of own values as we get involved in community work/outreach
·        Have we given up on young people?
·        Need to involve young practically and listen to their needs
·        Volunteers to set up Sunday School
·        Churches are already involved with social outreach
·        What are community and other churches doing that we are not?
·        Fellowship outside of Sunday worship
·        Accessible worship
·        Welcome and Hospitality
·        Church Hall as alternative informal/cosy worship venue
·        Youth Forum?
·     A variety of liturgies and other ways to include people - what about relaunching social group?
·        Home Visiting and/or Prayer group(s)
·        Use our buildings more effectively 

·        Childrens Services
·        Develop School/Parish relationship
·        Sunday School
·        More variety of services - from BCP to Contemporary Worship
·        COFFEE!!
·        Publicity/Advertise ourselves - external lighting/banners/ring bells
·        Greeting visitors/newcomers & Welcome literature
·        More focus awareness on/of giving to others
·        Open Church more often
·        WhatsApp / text messaging

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