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Thursday 12 March 2020

Church Closures during Coronavirus Pandemic

Dear Parishioners - After much thought and consideration I have decided to cancel all Sunday Services in all three churches until and including Sunday 29th March. The guidance issued by the Archbishop this afternoon does allow for this but I have still not taken this decision lightly. The continuity of public worship is a vital part of our Christian life and witness and is a source of encouragement and spiritual sustenance to our community of faith. However, even allowing for the suggested precautions to be observed at public events there is still an increased risk of infection in attending any public gathering such as a church service. As rector the decision falls to me as to how to proceed and I feel I cannot do anything that may threaten the health of my parishioners or the wider community. We have a very high age profile in all our churches and even if older or more vulnerable members choose to self isolate at home they may become infected through a family member who attends one of our church services. I realise that some may disagree with this decision but I feel it is the only one I can take in all conscience and ask for your patience and understanding.
Hopefully this situation will pass sooner rather than later but in the meantime we pray for all those who have been and will be affected by this virus especially those who are weak, frail and fearful at this time.
Obviously in the case of funerals, services will take place but we will have to observe any Government guidelines in terms of procedure and numbers attending.
I plan to post some resources on the website and Facebook Page during this suspension of services but remember that there are services on RTE every Sunday and also live streams from some of our churches and cathedrals (see below for Christ Church Cathedral & St Patrick's Cathedral)
Please Note! The Slip Hall will also be closed until 29th March inclusive

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