Monday 6 March 2023

CSNL NEWS March April 2023


Issue 76 CSNL NEWS March/April, 2023.

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

Just last Sunday we had the inaugural event for the Castletown Wanderers which is mentioned elsewhere in this issue. It was as an opportunity to connect and reconnect with the wonder and beauty of Creation of which we are a part. Sometimes despite all our modern technologies, devices and apps while we are connected to people throughout the world we are often disconnected from our immediate surroundings and are not truly present to one another and the deeper reality of God which underpins our lives. This Lent can I suggest you try and put your phone/tablet/laptop aside for a moment and be truly present to the beauty of the ordinary and everyday. I say this as one of the worst offenders who is regularly horrified when my phone gives me the weekly stats on my screen time! How much better could I have used that time and how much better would I feel if I had just turned it off? I know the answer - I think we all do - We find it hard because ironically we fear disconnection when what is on offer is the greatest connection possible. Just do it.

Yours. Stephen

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m* Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

5th (30/04/23) United Service. 11 a.m. Straffan.

*Services are continuing in Newcastle at 10 a.m., on the 1st Sunday until April when it will re-assessed.

Select Vestry & Easter General Vestries

After recent illnesses we wish John Lougheed of Celbridge/Straffan Select Vestry and Sandra Doble of Newcastle-Lyons Select Vestry health and recovery. We also will miss Bill Nicholson (following his move to Carlow) from Celbridge/Straffan Select Vestry where he has served for many years.

The Easter General Vestries, which elect officers for the coming year and hear the reports from our Rector and Treasurer can be attended by parishioners, but only those on the Register of Vestrypersons can be elected or can vote. The Register is revised each January. The Easter General Vestry for Celbridge/Straffan will take place on Thursday, 20th April at 8 p.m. The venue is to be confirmed. Newcastle-Lyons EGV will be held on Tuesday, 25th April at 8 p.m., in St. Finians Church.

On Going Events

Craft & Chat: On Tuesday, 10th January, the group met and had a very enjoyable Afternoon Tea. All are welcome to the Slip Hall on Tuesdays at 2.30 p.m.

Whist Drives: Friday, 31st March, at 8 p.m., will mark the return of our parish whist drives after a long break due to Covid. Hopefully we will see many friends returning for this enjoyable and sociable event.

Time Of Prayer For Healing: The Wednesday morning services in Christ Church, Celbridge are not resuming at the present.

St. Patricks Day

There will be a service of Holy Communion in Christ Church, Celbridge at 11 a.m. The Service will also be live streamed) on the parish Facebook page.

Chuckle Time

A newspaper error - His mother died when he was seven, while his father lived to be nearly a centurion.


Classes commence on Tuesday, 7th March and Confirmation will be in Christ Church Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday afternoon.

Calendar Of Events


Tue 7 Confirmation classes commence.

Sat 11 Winter Madness. Holy Trinity, Rathmines. 7.30 p.m.

Fri 17 St. Patricks Day. 11 a.m. Christ Church, Celbridge.

Holy Communion. Also Live-streamed.

Sun 19 Mothering Sunday.

Wed 29 Car Boot meeting. Straffan Hall. 8.30 p.m.

Fri 31 Whist Drive. Slip Hall. 8 p.m.


Wed 5 Compline. St. Finians Church, Newcastle-Lyons.

8 p.m.

Thu 6 Maundy Thursday. 8 p.m. Straffan. Holy

Communion & Stripping of the Altar.

Fri 7 Good Friday. Way of the Cross walks. All

3 churches. Times to be confirmed.

Sat 8 Holy Saturday. 8.30 p.m. Straffan. Lighting of

Easter Fire & 1st Eucharist of Easter.

Sun 9 Easter Sunday. 6.30 a.m. Castletown Gates/Slip

Hall. Dawn Ecumenical Sunrise Service.

Holy Communion in all 3 churches at usual times.

Thu 20 Easter General Vestry. Celbridge/Straffan 8 p.m.

Location to be confirmed.

Tue 25 Easter General Vestry. Newcastle-Lyons. 8 p.m.

St. Finians Church.

Closing date for next issue of CSNL NEWS.

Sun 30 United Service. Straffan. 11 a.m.


Sat 20 First Car Boot Sale. Straffan Church grounds.

Homeless Outreach Collection For The Month Of February

In response to our Rectors request for ideas as to how we could reach out to the homeless community, Judith Gleeson got in touch with local Celbridge Hidden homeless activist Pat Grant and with his guidance drew up a list of items that would be useful for the homeless community. 5 drop off points were set up including the 3 churches, the school and the rectory and in less than a week so much had been collected that we had to deliver it for distribution to allow space for more items. Warm clothing, bedding, toiletries, chocolate and vouchers were the main items needed and there was no shortage of generous donations. At the time of writing we are preparing for a second drop off. Thanks to all who donated and all who came together to sort in Christ Church, Celbridge on Sunday, 12th February.

Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you? Then He will answer them, Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me. Matthew 25:44-45. Lord help us to respond to the strangers in our midst - May we be aware that everyone matters and is loved by you and so may we be agents of that love in action. We ask you to bless our efforts to reach out to our sisters and brothers and help us to recognise that we are all one in you and when one hurts we all hurt. May we serve you by serving one another. Amen.

Castletown Wanderers - A New Initiative - Sunday, 26th February

Join the Castletown Wanderers as we learn to slow down and connect with ourselves and with something bigger than ourselves - nature; community; and for those who have faith, God.

What? Who? Why?

This is a wander for the whole community and offers gentle grounding and meditative exercises and supports to move from doing to being to help us be in the moment and enjoy what is around us. It is a collaboration between Christ Church, the Anglican church on the grounds of Castletown and the Churchs Ministry of Healing, Ireland (CMH:I) which uses nature connection to support peoples mental health, spiritual health and whole health. And of course the biggest partner is Nature and the beautiful grounds of Castletown House. Did you know that just 2 hours per week in nature boosts your immune system, resets your nervous system, reduces your feelings of loneliness and increases your sense of wellbeing? What a gift! Lets accept it.

Who is it for?

This is a welcoming space for everybody. Nature is free, we simply want to provide some nature connection opportunities. Young and old are welcome - noisy people are welcome, quiet people are welcome, tired people are welcome, energetic people are welcome, people who love getting muddy are welcome, people who have dirt aversions are welcome, people with a faith, with no faith, with a strong sense of spirituality, with a desire to build community, all welcome. We wont pretend to be anything other than who we are, but we also wont impose anything or expect anyone to come as anyone but who they are and as they are.

An example of what you can expect:

Well meet on the grounds of Christ Church and do some simple grounding exercises - noticing the sounds around you and becoming present. Then well walk to Castletown House together - some with mobility passes may drive there. Anyone who needs bathroom breaks and coffee stops can head into the café. Then well head to the woods just beyond the House and invite people to engage with nature in whatever way suits them. This is completely participant led, once a few health and safety measures have been put in place. Here are some examples of options:

1. Free play.

2. Nature art and mandalas.

3. Sit spots under trees with ideas for breath work (we may even have a hammock!)

4. Working with clay and loose nature parts to explore process and creativity.

5. Mindful wander prompts - these include postcards of things to spot or journey sticks that you can add to as you wander.

6. Blind fold walk (along ropes!).

Thanks to everyone who despite the very cold weather came along on Sunday, 26th February to our first event. It began in the church grounds at 12.30 p.m., with a short time of grounding meditation to quieten ourselves and to become present to Creation and each other and then a walk up the avenue of Castletown House and into the forest for lunch and some activities which were designed to help us connect with the beauty and diversity of Creation. These included journey sticks, bug frames (thank you Linda) and a nature mandala (thank you Lucy). Thanks to Lydia Monds of CMH:I who led us and gave us a taste of some of the possibilities of engaging more intimately with the natural world and in that discovering beauty, peace, healing and even a sense of the Divine. Watch this space for news of our next event!

United Service - 29th January - Christ Church, Celbridge.

It was wonderful to see a large congregation at the above with James Pasley at the organ, a choir and some lovely hymns, which I believe were chosen by Bill Nicholson! At the end of the service of Holy Communion, led by our Rector, Paula Howard and our Rector made a presentation to Bill on behalf of the parish with flowers for Anne, who was visiting her mother. The service was live streamed. Rev. Stephen thanked Bill for all he had done for the parish, vestry, current Churchwarden, school chair, Board of Primrose Hill School, on Car Boot committee, Slip Hall management etc., and to him and Anne for spending such a wonderful amount of time keeping the grounds of the church clean, which was by no means an easy task. Last, but not least, our Rector said we would all miss him in being such a good friend. Bill thanked everybody and said it was hard to believe they were 40 years in the parish, coming when Clive was 4! We wish Bill & Anne every happiness in their new home in Carlow and hope to see them from time to time. There was a wonderful spread of refreshments served in the Slip Hall afterwards and thanks to all who contributed.

At the service, saw the launch of the parishs Homeless Outreach Collection, which was initiated after our Rectors words in CSNL NEWS. For the month of February, there were reception areas in all three churches, the Rectory and the school opening hours. In consultation with Pat Grant of Support the Hidden Homeless Group, a plea was made for various items of clothing, sanitary items, vouchers etc.

From The Editor

The closing date for the May/June issue will be Tuesday, 25th April, and it will be available at the United Service on Sunday, 30th in Straffan.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, the bereaved, for the citizens of Ukraine both here and in their own country, for the homeless and all others in need of our prayers as a result of war, famine and other disasters.

World Day Of Prayer 2023

The service is being held in the Slip Hall, beside Christ Church, Celbridge on Friday, 3rd March. This year the service is compiled by the women of Taiwan and the theme is “I have heard about your faith”, based on Ephesians 1: 15-19. There will be a report in the next issue.

Holy Week & Easter

Wed 5th April Compline. 8 p.m. St. Finians, Newcastle-Lyons.

Thu 6th April. Holy Communion & Stripping of the Altar. 8 p.m.

Straffan Church.

Fri 7th April Good Friday. Way of Cross in all 3 churches. Details

to be confirmed.

Sat 8th April Holy Saturday. 8.30 p.m. Straffan. Lighting of

Easter Fire & 1st Eucharist of Easter.

Sun 9th April Easter Sunday. 6.30 a.m. Castletown Gates/Slip

Hall Dawn Ecumenical Sunrise Service.

Holy Communion in all 3 churches at usual times.

Car Boot Returns

We are starting on the 20th May. This is somewhat later this year as we have a wedding in Straffan Church on Saturday, 29th April. On 6th May, there will be two Holy Communion events. The added traffic that our event does bring, would make traffic management in the village near impossible. We will have a total of 10 events, the same number as last year. On Wednesday, 29th March at 8.30 p.m., we will have a Volunteers Team Meeting in Straffan Hall. Last years meeting proved to be of great help in running the events last year. Details will follow at a later stage. We will be looking to add some new volunteers as we were sparse on the ground last year. Some of the younger generations and newcomers to Straffan would be very welcome. Looking forward to seeing you all again. The dates for your diary are:-

May, 20th. June 3rd & 17th. July 1st, 15th & 29th. August 12th & 26th. September, 9th & 23rd. Jos Evertsen

WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group continues to be very active. There are also groups specifically for Newcastle and another for Straffan notices together they provide a very effective means of contact in the parish.

Whos Who In The Parish

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

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iPod? iPad? Try iPray . God is listening!

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