Tuesday 15 March 2022

CSNL News - March April 2022


Issue 70 CSNL NEWS March/April, 2022

Parish Of Celbridge & Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons

Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough

By the parishioners - for the parishioners

From Our Rector - Dear Friends ..

Lent is now upon us and through these days we focus on our faith and our relationship with God. The first Sunday in Lent (just passed) focusses on the temptations of Jesus and his time in the wilderness. Many of us experience such times and we are very conscious at the moment of an entire nation that has effectively been driven into the wildnerness - a wilderness of fear and unknowing. The people of Ukraine are in tragic circumstances having their lives torn apart and many will be arriving on our shores seeking refuge and safety. I think this Lent the best thing we can do is find ways to walk alongside these people in their suffering and to reach out in whatever way we can to help those in terrible distress. Our country has been exemplary so far in the way we have opened our doors and our hearts to these people and my prayer is that those who come to our shores will experience a sense of Gods love and compassion through us as individuals, as Church and as a nation. Some of us may take refugees into our homes and perhaps our parish school will be welcoming new pupils but all of us will be touched and changed by what is to come. We are all wandering in the wilderness and we must find comfort in knowing that God accompanies us wherever we go. This Lent perhaps like no other we are being called to walk the talk!

Yours Stephen

Confirmation - Pentecost Sunday, 5th June, 2022

The service will take place at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin at 3.30 p.m. Please remember the candidates in your prayers as confirmation classes commence shortly.

Church Services

Sunday Newcastle 9 a.m. Straffan 10.15 a.m. Celbridge 11.30 a.m.

1st Holy Communion Service of Word Holy Communion

2nd Service of Word Holy Communion Service of Word

3rd Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion

4th Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer

5th 29/05/2022 United Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Straffan.

Note 1: There may be variations on major feast days.

Note 2: At the request of some parishioners we are having an occasional service from the BCP Rite 1/Traditional (as announced).

Zoom Midweek Coffee Meeting Evenings & WhatsApp Group

Zoom chats continue on Wednesday evenings. New participants are always welcome. The parish WhatsApp group continues to be a useful networking and contact point for parishioners/friends and it will be one of the few Covid measures that will not be done away with.


After a relative drought of baptisms during Covid it was a joy to welcome two new babies into the church family in February, both in Christ Church, Celbridge. On 18th February, Harvey Branko Shane ODwyer, son of Vanda & James was baptised. The Godparents are Brian ODwyer, Ante Jericevic & Victoris Blaney. We wish Harvey and his family every blessing. On Sunday, 10th February, Arthur Denis Alcock Lipson, son of Zoe Lipson (Church Organist) & Jason Alcock and a brother to Nathan was baptised. The Godparents are Cliona Cosgrove, Shane Quinn & Ryan Lipson Ngai. We wish Arthur and his family every blessing.


.. to Dee Huddleston & Geoffrey McMaster who stepped in to lead services at very short notice when our Rector was grounded following an adverse reaction to his 4th Covid jab. Thanks also to Cynthia Lang who is also assisting at services.

Craft & Chat, Whist Drives, Time Of Prayer For Healing

Craft & Chat will not resume until after Easter at the earliest. Whist Drives will probably not return until the Autumn. Our Rector plans to resume the Wednesday morning services in the Autumn also.

New Children & Families Development Officer

The Church of Ireland has appointed Rachael Murphy in this role. The Board for Ministry with Children & Families seeks to equip, resource and advocate for the increased welcome enhanced inclusion and full participation of children and their families in the whole life of the Church. Its vision is that every Church of Ireland parish, no matter how big or small, is equipped to provide vibrant and engaging ministry with children and families. www.ireland.anglican.org/CFM.

World Day Of Prayer - Friday, 4th March

A moving and well attended service on the theme of, I know the plans I have for you was held at St. Brigids Roman Catholic Church, Straffan. This year the service was written by the Christian women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Hope was woven throughout the service, and everyone was given a packet of seeds and invited to reflect on where seeds of hope need planting in our lives, communities, our country and the world. Uplifting hymns were joyously sung, and towards the end Dee Huddleston read a beautiful prayer for the heart-breaking situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian National Anthem was played by Barbara the organist, and all stood in honour and hope for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Rev. Stephen & Father Joe gave the final blessing. Thanks to the women of St. Brigids, St. Patricks & Straffan for their organisation, readings and light refreshments and to everyone who attended and participated. 240 was raised for World Day of Prayer charities. Thank you. The display table had daffodils, roses and shamrock to represent Wales, England, & Northern Ireland, a globe with figures holding hands around it to represent people of the world uniting, a Bible opened at Jeremiah 29:1-14 and candles to symbolise light shining through darkness. Next year the service will be written by the women of Taiwan.

Straffan Market & Car Boot Sales

A new season and a new start to our Community life. With the relaxing of the Covid restrictions we’re looking forward to starting the Straffan Market & Car Boot Sales on the 30th April. The dates for our 2022 Community Event are:-

30th April 14th & 28th May 11th & 25th June

9th & 23rd July 13th & 27th August 10th & 17th September

.. a total of 11 events for 2022. We will be back at full strength with the tea stall and full site capacity with a maximum of 75 stalls.

Since its inception in 2013, the Straffan Market & Car Boot has been a significant fundraiser for the maintenance and development of both the Straffan Community Hall and our parish’s Straffan Church. Thanks to our Team of 34 Volunteers from across the Community, we can look forward to a full season. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help out. Interested????? You are committing only 2.5 hours on 2 or 3 Saturday mornings between May and September. You’ll meet and enjoy a lot of people. In particular we are also looking for anyone who would like to be involved with the Roster Scheduling. Robert Moody has been managing this for the last 8 years. Anyone interested, please let us know. It is a totally home based routine for a few hours during the week before the car boot and you don’t even have to be on the rota yourself either.

The Tea Stall will be up and running again. This is very popular with everyone .. Visitors, stall holders, passers by .. for €3 .. a coffee/tea+scone/cake/flapjack .. a bargain!! The tea stall with home bakes makes up a significant part of the funds raised on the day. We have a number of home bakers who keep the tea stall stocked as best they can. They welcome some more home bakers to make sure that there will be enough supply on the day If you can contribute home baking a few times between May and the end of September, that would be a great help.

On 2nd March, Jim Noonan passed away. Jim was one of our Straffan Market & Car Boot stalwarts. Often called The Vegetable Man, he was always poised, with his jeep, at the entrance gate with a great variety of ‘that-morning-picked’ supply of home grown vegetables and seasonal fruit. He used to rise early in the morning to harvest his vegetables for that day. He coped in exemplary fashion with his illness for a number of years. Jim was a great and entertaining character and a true gentleman. He will be sorely missed by us all at the Straffan Market & Car Boot. May he Rest in Peace and peace to his family.

Bookings for the Stall spaces start the Saturday before any of the car boot dates. Bookings for the 30th April start on Saturday, 23rd April. Entry is only by confirmed booking and the fee is €15 to be paid at the gate. Gates open to the Sellers at 8.00 a.m. for setting up. Gates open to the Public at 9.00 a.m. The Stalls close at 12.30 p.m., and the church gates are closed by 1.00 p.m. Bookings are by TEXT ONLY at 087-2797200. Calls can not be answered.

If you would like to contribute or volunteer with the Straffan Market & Car Boot or help with the duty rostering, don’t hesitate to give me a call or a text at 087-2491985. Thanks for your help and support, you will be very welcome.

Jos Everten on behalf of the Straffan Market & Car Boot Volunteers Team.

Christian Aid Lenten Reflections

These have commenced for the six weeks of Lent each Thursday at 11 a.m., through scripture, prayer, story and music, the theme will be explored by a number of clergy from various denominations. The theme is The world we want to see. On the previous Tuesday, there will be a short video on different aspects relating to the theme. The services will be recorded if people are not free on Thursday mornings.

The meeting details are the same for all services:

Meeting ID: 816 6835 8832

Passcode: 720262.

Primrose Hill National School

From 28th February, the school has been relaxing the Covid measures on a phased basis which no doubt is a welcome development for all.

Pupils, staff and parents are no longer required to wear face coverings while on school grounds. Pupils and staff may continue to do so if they so wish.

Hand washing and sanitising routines remain in place.

Staggered break times have worked extremely well over the past 20 months and staff have opted to keep these in place.

The need for physical distancing has been removed and over the coming weeks, teachers will be reorganising their classrooms to accommodate group work.

With pods and classroom bubbles removed, it is now possible to begin with withdrawing groups for learning support, where necessary.

Whole school assemblies remain online for the moment but the school is working towards bringing the whole school back together each Wednesday in the GP Room in the coming weeks.

The school, its staff and pupils are to be applauded for the way that they have managed through what has been an immensely difficult and challenging time. Special mention to our Principal Caroline Flood who has put huge energy into maintaining a safe and secure working environment throughout the crisis period.

Slip Hall/Buildings

Development works continue on our parish buildings and in recent weeks the new storage rooms in the Slip Hall have been finished. It is a considerable improvement and special thanks are due to Bill Nicholson & Ken Denner for overseeing the works.

Apologies From The Editor

With the Rectors blessing, this issue is a week later than advertised as I was unable to attend the churches on the 1st Sunday in Lent. Also, for the wrong date for Ash Wednesday in the last issue. There were services of Holy Communion in Christ Church, Celbridge on Ash Wednesday at 11 a.m., and a service at 7.30 p.m., in Straffan Church.

Calendar Of Events


Thu 17 St. Patricks Day.

Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Christ Church, Celbridge.

Sun 27 Mothering Sunday.


Sun 10 Palm Sunday

Wed 13 Spy Wednesday. Late Evening Office. 8 p.m.

St. Finians, Newcastle-Lyons.

Thu 14 Maundy Thursday. Holy Communion 8 p.m., &

Stripping of the Altar.

Fri 15 Good Friday. Ways of Cross. Times to be confirmed.

Sat 16 Holy Saturday. 8.30 p.m. Straffan. Lighting of

Easter Fire.

11.30 p.m. Holy Communion. Christ Church, Celbridge.

Sun 17 Easter Sunday. Holy Communion in all churches.

Mon 25 Closing date for next Issue of CSNL NEWS

Sat 30 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


Sat 14 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Sat 28 Car Boot Sale. Straffan. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


We remember all those who are sick at home, in hospital or nursing homes, those who care for them, those who have lost their livelihood due to Covid-19, those bereaved and all front line staff who continue to care for those affected by Covid-19 and especially for the citizens of Ukraine.

Bishops Appeal - Collection For Ukraine

Collections were made in all churches on Sundays 6th & 13th March.

Chuckle Time

Sarah said grace Dear God, thank you for the pancakes.. Her Dad said why, when we are having chicken? She said I thought Id see if God was paying attention.

Whos Who In The Parish

www.cs-nl.org celbridgestraffannewcastlelyns@gmail.com

Rector: Rev. Stephen Neill 01-6288231 087-2328172

www.paddyanglican.com stephen.neill@gmail.com

Keep up to date on www.cs-nl.org &

https://www.facebook.com/CSNLParish & www.Dublin.anglican.org

Easter General Vestries

The dates for these are not yet fixed, but will be announced in due course.

My God shall supply all your need - Philippians 4:19

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