Wednesday 24 February 2021

World Day of Prayer 2021


    World Day of Prayer 2021 from Vanuatu: ‘Build on a strong foundation’

The women from Vanuatu have prepared a beautiful worship service for us, which was intended to take place on Friday 5th March. Unfortunately, we have had to defer this date, but we hope to get together later in the year to worship in spirit with them. The host church this year will be St Brigid’s RC in Straffan. We will keep you informed when a date is decided.

The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia and west of Fiji. The South Pacific Ocean is prone to earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions and rising sea levels and the theme the women chose for their service is ‘Build on a strong foundation’.

 In Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 7:24-37 Jesus tells a story of the wisdom of the builder of the house that comes from hearing and acting on the word of God, which is the word of love. This is the foundation on which our sisters call us to build our homes, our nations and the world. A call of faith to be earnestly considered when responding to the prayer of commitment: “What is the house that you would build?”

The symbol for World Day of Prayer was developed by the women of Ireland and adopted as the international logo in 1982. Its design is made up of arrows converging from the four points of the compass, persons kneeling in prayer, the Celtic cross, and the circle, representing the world and our unity through all our diversity.

The televised World Day of Prayer service will be on RTE at 11am on Sunday 28th February 2021




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