59 CSNL NEWS May/June, 2020
Parish Of Celbridge
& Straffan with Newcastle-Lyons
Church of Ireland
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough
By the parishioners
- for the parishioners

Betty Beattie’s retirement from the organ -
St. Finian’s Church.
Womens’ World Day Of Prayer - Slip
Our Rector - Dear Friends ..
As is the case everywhere these days the community life of the parish
has moved online. Our weekly services
continue on YouTube and last Sunday (17th May) we had our first Zoom
Coffee Morning after our morning worship.
There were about 15 participants and we chatted together for just over
an hour - it was good to see old friends and indeed some new faces too. Our parish WhatsApp group remains very active
as a meeting point for many of the parishioners and if anyone wants to be added
to it just let me know. On Sunday, 10th
May we had an online colouring competition which was linked into an all age
service from Straffan Church with video contributions from throughout the
parish. A parish quiz to be set by our
Magazine Editor and veteran quizzer Lilian Webb is among the online
activities planned for the immediate future and no doubt other initiatives will
be forthcoming, including perhaps an online Songs of Praise.
We do however look forward to the relaxation (if possible) of the
current restrictions, especially for those who are separated from loved ones or
those in hospital or nursing homes at this time. For them this has been an especially trying
I know from talking to parishioners that many are spending their time in
arts and crafts activities - I can testify personally that my wife has knitted
more since the lockdown than she has throughout the entirety of our marriage -
I may yet get that long promised Aran jumper!
Our thoughts are with our younger people too and for our Primary School
aged pupils the difficulty of the sudden and unexpected end of their primary
education without the chance to say goodbye to friends, teachers and school
staff. And while our Leaving Certificate
students may be relieved that they will not have to face exams we are aware of
the difficulties that may lie ahead in providing fair assessment.
These are uncertain times and our prayers are with all those who are
anxious and worried at this time. As a
rector (and I am sure my experience is not unique) I want to take this
opportunity to publicly thank you the parishioners for your support for me and
my family throughout this difficult time - Ministry is a two way street and we
will get through this together and with God’s help. I finish with a poem by Wendell Berry
which for me is a great comfort and encouragement.
When despair for the world
grows in me
and I wake in the night at the
least sound
in fear of what my life and my
children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the
wood drake
rests in his beauty on the
water; and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild
who do not tax their lives
with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water:
And I feel above me the
day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the
world, and am free.
Every blessing. Stephen
As I have mentioned before this has been an especially
trying time for those who have lost loved ones with the severe limitations on
funeral services. May God comfort all
those who mourn. Among those are:
Vic Murphy of Crodaun,
Celbridge. Vic was a much loved
parishioner and friend to so many, especially those often unseen and unnoticed
by others. A very compassionate man with
a deep reverence for nature and his environment and an innate sense of justice
and concern for the oppressed. He was an
active member of the Vestry and a man who gave much of himself to others. We think especially of his wife Bernie,
sons Lucas, Patrick, Ronan & Cian, mother Robin, siblings Eva,
Sarah, Robert & Ed, grandchildren Avery & Adrien,
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, the extended family and his
many friends. Vic’s
funeral took place in Christ Church, Celbridge on Monday,16th March
and cremation followed in Mount Jerome, Harold’s Cross.
Olivia Huber was as I said at
her graveside one of the bravest ladies I have ever met. A much loved parishioner of Newcastle parish Olivia
was very suddenly struck down with an illness which she always knew was
unbeatable in medical terms. But despite
this bleak prognosis she remained upbeat and positive and even when she could
no longer speak would converse by writing on her little notepad that was always
with her - she may not have beaten the illness but she did not let it define
her and she remained herself to the end.
Her funeral and burial all took place in Newcastle Cemetery on 16th
April and as the sun shone brightly we sang her favourite hymns as her body was
laid to rest. Our thoughts are
especially with her children Karen & David, their partners David
& Hazel, grandchildren Megan, Kyle, Holly & Ryan, sisters Elizabeth,
Susette & Pamela, brothers Albert, John & Fergus,
sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.
Our prayers are with Willie Harris, Newcastle,
& George Harris Straffan on the death of their sister Irene Gillis
on April 4th. We also
remember her husband Alan, children, Nigel, Hazel, Barry & Anna (pre-deceased
by her son Stephen), son-in-law Leonard, daughters-in-law Catherine
& Wendy, Anna’s partner
Stuart, grandchildren, brothers, nephews, nieces, extended family and
Women’s World Day Of
Prayer - 6th March - Slip Hall, Celbridge
Thanks to all who took part in the above which was
prepared by the women of Zimbabwe with the theme “Rise - take your
mat and walk!”. The service, which was led by Dee
Huddleston, was well prepared and
many took part both men and women in the readings, prayers and playing of drums
and tambourines. As always the service
concludes with “The day
thou gavest, Lord is ended”. There was
opportunity afterwards for tea and scones and chat. The collection amounted to €213.00. In 2021 the service will be prepared by the
women of Vanuatu on the theme “Build a strong foundation”.
For Helping Teens Through The Crisis
Susie Keegan, Diocesan Youth
Ministry Coordinator gives advice on talking mental health, creating spaces,
making a worry jar, exercising and cutting down on negative news in an article
in the Church Review - and can be contacted at Other links are and
Kids! There is a
very good telling of the story of Jonah and the whale by Copperpot the
Orangutan and also a story with a hen!
Betty’s Retirement
Sunday, 23rd February marked Betty
Beattie’s retirement
as organist of St. Finian’s
Church, Newcastle-Lyons. It was a day
which marked a remarkable achievement as Betty had served well over 50
years and had played the organ in Newcastle across six decades. It was however also a sad day, the end of an
era as someone who had accompanied regular worship, days of celebration and
days of sadness with her playing finally stepped back from the keyboard and
took a seat in the congregation. There was a presentation on the day and ‘not too much fuss’ at Betty’s
request. We wish Betty a long and
happy retirement and thank her for her gift of music shared so generously with
Calendar Of Events!
No Car Boot Sales, services in churches, meetings in
the Slip Hall, Whist Drives, Craft &
Chat, Primrose Hill School closed & Confirmation date postponed!
Link Mission Partners - Keith & Lyn Scott - Easter 2020
Zambia is presently not in lockdown due to Covid 19,
though there is advice on social distancing and hand washing, there is no
serious adherence to the rules. Poor
people have limited access to water for a start. There are regular power cuts. Before Covid 19 there was some mob violence
in the townships where life is very tough.
The economy has been on the edge leading to deprivations and social
problems. Fear of the virus is an extra
burden. Please pray that the Corona
Virus will not sweep through Africa as feared, bearing in mind how under-equipped
countries are and how inadequate their resources. As a seminary we are soldiering on, staying
open for the short-term but being cautious and wary. The students are safer in the seminary than
travelling to their home dioceses for their Easter break, but if there is a
lockdown they will be separated from their families. Please pray for their families, for
understanding and patience. In these
uncertain and bewildering times, we need to look at the example of Christ our
Lord and Saviour. His trust in the
Father and the promise of the Holy Spirit to always be with us. These assurances give us an anchor.
Harry left his place in the choir and
made his way to the lectern for the first lesson. He ascended the steps and began to read from
Isaiah in his deep bass voice: “Thus says the Lord, I am the Lord your
God.” Delighted he had discovered the
truth at long last, four year old Timothy looked up and said, “Oh, so that’s who God is!”
From Friday, 13th March all church services
and events in the Slip Hall were closed as a result of the Corona Virus
regulations. Thanks to our Rector
for producing services for all Sundays since Mothering Sunday and being able to
remind us of the inside of all the churches.
There have also been meaningful services produced by our Rector for
Holy Week and on several Wednesdays from the Rectory study. These have been very much appreciated by
those who have the facility to watch on their devices. The Editor has enjoyed belting out the
hymns while participating in the services with nobody to hear. She also hears that some people have been
watching the services in bed/pyjamas! It
has also been good to see other parishioners
participating in the prayers and readings.
Challenge For Christian Aid By Dee Huddleston
As some people know, I work for Christian Aid and
normally May is our busiest month when a large portion of our annual funds are
raised through various church community events.
This year, along with all other charities or development agencies, this
is just not possible so we have to look to other ways to support the
communities that we work with. With this
in mind, I decided that I would walk 5kms every day in May carrying two
containers of water and ask people if they would consider sponsoring me to do
this. While I have a choice to do this,
many of the people that we work with, almost always women and children, do not
have such a choice. They have to walk
long distances every day just to collect water.
Rose, who lives in Kenya, is a 67 year old grandmother and she
has to walk for six hours every day, carrying two jerry cans to collect water,
just to keep her family going.
Thanks so much to the kindness and generosity of lots
of people, the amount raised so far (17th May) is just over €1,400, and I am so grateful for
this. However, I am hopeful that I can
raise even more over the coming two weeks as this will make a huge difference
to Rose and to others like her in vulnerable communities across our
world. I have set up a Just giving page
(Dee Huddleston/Dee’s 5x5)
but have also received many donations directly as this can be an easier way for
people and am so grateful for every single gesture of support.
Church Review
The May edition was only available on line -
unfortunately for those who have subscribed and do not have this facility. The April edition is probably waiting to be
read when churches re-open!
Who’s Who In The
2020 - A Fresh
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